Operational framework

The operational framework is schematically presented in Table 1, where responsibilities of the various ECPGR bodies are defined against the elements of the AQUAS. The framework outlined in Table 1 proposes how to establish, manage, administer, encourage and monitor the implementation of the agreed policies, processes and procedures. The “implementation steps of AQUAS” (see below) describe how this operational framework should enter into effect according to a suggested time frame.

Table 1. Responsibilities of the ECPGR bodies involved in the implementation of AQUAS
From: Quality System for AEGIS - approved by the ECPGR Steering Committee, version 15 (09.09.09) (104,3 KB)

SecretariatWorking Groups*AEGIS Advisory Committee (AC)ECPGR Steering Committee (SC)Associate member

Generic operational standards

Draft standards

Comment on draft

Comment on draft

Approves the generic standards

Adopt the standards

Operation genebank manual

Provide template, in collaboration with genebanks

Comment on the template, provided by the secretariat

Approves the template


Fill in and pulish the manual

Agreed minimum standards (by crops or crop groups)

Comment on standards; Publish on-line and archive

1) Draft and agree on the list of standards
2) Keep under ongoing revisions

Comment the standards, especially from a "between crops" perspective

Approves the standards

Adopt the standards

System of record keeping

Give advice on the system

Give advice on the system

Give advice on the minimum requirements of the record keeping system


Implement the system


Receives reports, archives and distributes, as appropriate

Organize reporting system; send reports to Secretariat for SC approval

Give advice on the system; Comment on reports and inform SC as appropriate

Approve reports

Adopt reporting system and provide reports to WG


1) Receives reports, archives and distributes, as appropriate
2) Facilitates implementation of recommendations

Organize and implement the monitoring system; report to AC through Secretariat

Give advice on issues, makes proposals for capacity building and send recommendations to SC

Takes decisions on issues and considers capacity building recommendations

Adopt monitoring system

*In the case that for a given crop no ECPGR WG exists (like for maize, rice or rye) the Network Coordinating Group (NCG) concerned should assume the responsibilities as listed for the WG, identify and prioritize such crops that would require minimum standards and advise on the best way forward to draft these standards. The Secretariat should play a supporting and coordinating role in this

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