Reinforcement of the AEGIS Quality System and EURISCO data coverage

Short title: New AEGIS

 The project 'New AEGIS' is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Activity Coordinator: ECPGR Secretariat


1 September 2024 – 28 February 2025

Project short description

In line with priorities identified for ECPGR's Phase XI (2024–2028) and the objectives of the Plant Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe, the 'New AEGIS' project aims to strengthen AEGIS by improving quality and transparency in its Associate Member genebanks through the preparation of genebank manuals, publication of Standard Operating Procedures, development of agreed genebank metrics, and peer support. The project will reinforce EURISCO by including dispersed phenotypic data from previous European projects.

The expected outcomes of the project include:

  • AEGIS Associate Members are more aware of AEGIS principles, improving genebank operations and access to the European Collection
  • At least 20 new operational genebank manuals are created
  • All manuals are reviewed, providing an overview of current practices and recommendations for improvement
  • Three crop-specific genebank standards are developed
  • Five to ten Associate Members agree to publish their Standard Operating Procedures in English
  • A list of genebank metrics is drafted by pilot genebanks, and prepared for publication
  • Characterization and evaluation data for various crops are integrated into EURISCO.
  • Six reciprocal genebank review visits are completed, with reports published online.