This table shows the AEGIS accessions that make up the European Collection.
For details on AEGIS status and accession level, please use the various search functionalities on the EURISCO website
Total European Accessions: 119475
Genus/Species | European Accessions | Countries |
Abelmoschus | 40 | Romania (1), Germany (39) |
Abutilon | 7 | Germany (7) |
Achillea | 34 | Germany (13), Italy (16), Nordic Countries (5) |
Achnatherum | 3 | Germany (3) |
Acnistus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Aconitum | 10 | Germany (10) |
Adonis | 1 | Germany (1) |
Aegilops | 1247 | Czech Republic (6), Germany (1128), Netherlands (9), Italy (104) |
Aegopodium | 2 | Germany (2) |
Aethusa | 6 | Germany (6) |
Agastache | 2 | Germany (2) |
Agrimonia | 2 | Germany (2) |
Agropyron | 14 | Germany (14) |
Agrostemma | 226 | Germany (225), Nordic Countries (1) |
Agrostis | 359 | Czech Republic (36), Estonia (14), Netherlands (11), Germany (279), Italy (19) |
Alcea | 14 | Germany (13), Nordic Countries (1) |
Alchemilla | 1 | Germany (1) |
Alliaria | 119 | Germany (119) |
Allium | 1760 | Bulgaria (2), Estonia (1), Italy (1), Nordic Countries (105), United Kingdom (141), Czech Republic (82), Netherlands (151), Germany (1277) |
Alopecurus | 75 | Germany (65), Czech Republic (9), Estonia (1) |
Althaea | 7 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (6) |
Amaranthus | 127 | Germany (123), Romania (1), Czech Republic (1), Slovakia (2) |
Ammi | 8 | Germany (8) |
Ammophila | 1 | Germany (1) |
Amorpha | 1 | Germany (1) |
Anagallis | 1 | Germany (1) |
Anemone | 7 | Germany (7) |
Anethum | 178 | Germany (164), Nordic Countries (7), Romania (7) |
Angelica | 35 | Germany (35) |
Anthemis | 2 | Germany (2) |
Anthoxanthum | 27 | Czech Republic (3), Germany (21), Nordic Countries (3) |
Anthriscus | 21 | Germany (19), Nordic Countries (2) |
Anthyllis | 8 | Germany (6), Czech Republic (2) |
Antirrhinum | 65 | Germany (65) |
Apera | 3 | Czech Republic (1), Germany (2) |
Apium | 217 | Germany (182), Nordic Countries (12), United Kingdom (20), Portugal (3) |
Aquilegia | 18 | Germany (18) |
Arabis | 2 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (1) |
Arachis | 2 | Germany (2) |
Aralia | 2 | Germany (2) |
Arctium | 15 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (9), Nordic Countries (5) |
Arnica | 3 | Germany (3) |
Arrhenatherum | 93 | Czech Republic (18), Germany (75) |
Artemisia | 26 | Germany (25), Nordic Countries (1) |
Arum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Asclepias | 4 | Germany (4) |
Asparagus | 18 | Italy (2), Germany (15), Nordic Countries (1) |
Astragalus | 12 | Germany (12) |
Astrodaucus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Atriplex | 54 | Germany (51), Romania (3) |
Atropa | 5 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (4) |
Avena | 3387 | Germany (2910), Czech Republic (96), Estonia (56), Italy (63), Nordic Countries (55), Romania (81), Slovakia (30), Switzerland (21), Netherlands (75) |
Avenella | 1 | Czech Republic (1) |
Ballota | 2 | Germany (1), Nordic Countries (1) |
Baptisia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Barbarea | 31 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (30) |
Basella | 2 | Germany (2) |
Bassia | 9 | Germany (9) |
Belamcanda | 2 | Germany (2) |
Benincasa | 13 | Germany (13) |
Berteroa | 35 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (34) |
Beta | 1469 | Germany (1370), Czech Republic (15), Estonia (1), Nordic Countries (42), United Kingdom (41) |
Betonica | 17 | Germany (17) |
Bifora | 5 | Germany (5) |
Bituminaria | 2 | Germany (2) |
Blitum | 1 | Nordic Countries (1) |
Borago | 5 | Germany (5) |
Bothriochloa | 4 | Germany (4) |
Brachypodium | 23 | Germany (18), Czech Republic (5) |
Brassica | 4067 | Italy (256), Czech Republic (39), Estonia (9), Germany (1744), Romania (2), Bosnia and Herzegovina (5), Netherlands (673), United Kingdom (909), Nordic Countries (430) |
Briza | 17 | Germany (11), Czech Republic (6) |
Bromus | 188 | Germany (149), Czech Republic (18), Estonia (1), Nordic Countries (19), Italy (1) |
Buglossoides | 2 | Germany (2) |
Bunias | 2 | Germany (2) |
Bunium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Bupleurum | 2 | Germany (2) |
Cajanus | 5 | Germany (4), Italy (1) |
Cakile | 1 | Germany (1) |
Calamagrostis | 2 | Germany (2) |
Calamintha | 4 | Germany (4) |
Calendula | 57 | Germany (44), Nordic Countries (1), Romania (12) |
Callistephus | 7 | Germany (1), Nordic Countries (6) |
Camelina | 50 | Czech Republic (1), Germany (49) |
Campanula | 3 | Germany (3) |
Cannabis | 31 | Germany (28), Romania (3) |
Capnophyllum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Capsella | 3 | Germany (3) |
Capsicum | 1174 | Germany (1023), Italy (12), Nordic Countries (2), Netherlands (137) |
Cardaria | 2 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (1) |
Carlina | 5 | Germany (5) |
Carthamus | 58 | Germany (52), Romania (6) |
Carum | 84 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (23), Nordic Countries (60) |
Cassia | 5 | Romania (1), Germany (4) |
Catharanthus | 3 | Germany (3) |
Caucalis | 3 | Germany (3) |
Ceanothus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Celosia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cenchrus | 32 | Italy (32) |
Centaurea | 9 | Germany (9) |
Centaurium | 2 | Germany (2) |
Centranthus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cephalaria | 5 | Germany (5) |
Ceratonia | 3 | Italy (3) |
Chaerophyllum | 19 | Germany (19) |
Chamaecytisus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Chamaemelum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Chelidonium | 3 | Germany (1), Nordic Countries (2) |
Chenopodium | 971 | Germany (971) |
Chondrilla | 3 | Germany (2), Netherlands (1) |
Cicer | 361 | Germany (301), Italy (43), Slovakia (17) |
Cicerbita | 2 | Nordic Countries (2) |
Cichorium | 325 | Germany (322), Nordic Countries (3) |
Cicuta | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cistus | 3 | Germany (3) |
Citrullus | 242 | Italy (2), Germany (240) |
Claytonia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Clematis | 1 | Germany (1) |
Clinopodium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cnicus | 3 | Germany (3) |
Cnidium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cochlearia | 8 | Germany (8) |
Coincya | 3 | Germany (3) |
Coix | 27 | Germany (27) |
Colutea | 1 | Germany (1) |
Commelina | 1 | Germany (1) |
Conium | 9 | Germany (9) |
Conringia | 16 | Germany (16) |
Consolida | 3 | Germany (3) |
Corchorus | 13 | Germany (9), Italy (4) |
Coreopsis | 1 | Germany (1) |
Coriandrum | 322 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (315), Romania (6) |
Corynephorus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Crambe | 12 | Czech Republic (1), Germany (11) |
Crepis | 15 | Germany (15) |
Crithmum | 2 | Germany (2) |
Crucianella | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cucumis | 1361 | Germany (1072), Netherlands (252), Nordic Countries (31), Czech Republic (6) |
Cucurbita | 950 | Italy (10), Germany (904), Nordic Countries (3), Romania (33) |
Cullen | 4 | Germany (4) |
Cuminum | 45 | Germany (45) |
Cuphea | 3 | Germany (3) |
Cuscuta | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cyclanthera | 7 | Germany (7) |
Cymbocarpum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cymbopogon | 2 | Germany (2) |
Cynanchum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cynara | 27 | Germany (17), Italy (10) |
Cynodon | 10 | Germany (3), Italy (7) |
Cynoglossum | 15 | Germany (15) |
Cynosurus | 48 | Czech Republic (2), Germany (41), Nordic Countries (5) |
Cyperus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Cytisus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Dactylis | 2033 | Czech Republic (47), Estonia (15), Germany (1568), Italy (120), Netherlands (24), Nordic Countries (259) |
Danthonia | 8 | Germany (8) |
Dasypyrum | 35 | Germany (23), Italy (12) |
Datura | 65 | Germany (62), Nordic Countries (2), Romania (1) |
Daucus | 705 | Czech Republic (26), Estonia (1), Germany (284), Italy (1), Nordic Countries (61), United Kingdom (332) |
Delphinium | 2 | Germany (2) |
Deschampsia | 106 | Czech Republic (15), Nordic Countries (22), Germany (69) |
Descurainia | 3 | Germany (2), Netherlands (1) |
Dianthus | 8 | Nordic Countries (1), Italy (6), Germany (1) |
Dictamnus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Digitalis | 75 | Romania (1), Germany (71), Nordic Countries (3) |
Digitalis sp. | 1 | Bulgaria (1) |
Digitaria | 7 | Germany (7) |
Dimorphotheca | 6 | Germany (6) |
Dioscorea | 15 | Germany (15) |
Diplocyclos | 3 | Germany (3) |
Diplotaxis | 16 | Germany (16) |
Dipsacus | 7 | Germany (5), Nordic Countries (2) |
Dorycnium | 4 | Germany (2), Italy (2) |
Dracocephalum | 7 | Germany (4), Romania (3) |
Ecballium | 2 | Germany (2) |
Echinacea | 13 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (10), Romania (2) |
Echinochloa | 17 | Germany (17) |
Eleusine | 2 | Germany (2) |
Elsholtzia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Elymus | 20 | Czech Republic (2), Germany (17), Italy (1) |
Elytrigia | 8 | Germany (8) |
Ephedra | 2 | Germany (2) |
Epilobium | 2 | Germany (2) |
Eragrostis | 29 | Germany (29) |
Eremopyrum | 14 | Germany (14) |
Eruca | 92 | Germany (88), Netherlands (4) |
Erucastrum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Eryngium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Erysimum | 38 | Germany (38) |
Eupatorium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Euphorbia | 136 | Germany (134), Italy (2) |
Faba | 6 | Slovakia (6) |
Fagopyrum | 84 | Germany (74), Czech Republic (5), Italy (3), Nordic Countries (1), Slovakia (1) |
Ferula | 1 | Germany (1) |
Festuca | 2488 | Nordic Countries (509), Germany (1755), Czech Republic (78), Estonia (10), Italy (68), Netherlands (67), Slovakia (1) |
Festulolium | 13 | Nordic Countries (1), Czech Republic (12) |
Filipendula | 2 | Germany (1), Bulgaria (1) |
Foeniculum | 178 | Romania (6), Germany (133), Bulgaria (1), Portugal (38) |
Fragaria | 193 | Czech Republic (1), Nordic Countries (1), Italy (191) |
Gaillardia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Galega | 1 | Germany (1) |
Galeopsis | 5 | Germany (5) |
Galinsoga | 1 | Germany (1) |
Galium | 2 | Germany (1), Romania (1) |
Gentiana | 18 | Germany (18) |
Geranium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Geum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Glaucium | 5 | Germany (4), Romania (1) |
Glebionis | 21 | Germany (21) |
Glycine | 611 | Czech Republic (1), Germany (480), Nordic Countries (126), Romania (2), Slovakia (2) |
Glycyrrhiza | 8 | Germany (8) |
Gomphocarpus | 2 | Germany (2) |
Gossypium | 8 | Germany (8) |
Grindelia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Guizotia | 2 | Germany (2) |
Gynostemma | 1 | Germany (1) |
Gypsophila | 2 | Germany (2) |
Hedysarum | 13 | Germany (3), Italy (10) |
Helianthus | 251 | Romania (3), Germany (248) |
Helictotrichon | 3 | Germany (3) |
Hemerocallis | 2 | Germany (2) |
Heracleum | 84 | Germany (84) |
Hesperis | 1 | Netherlands (1) |
Hibiscus | 3 | Germany (3) |
Hippophae | 2 | Czech Republic (2) |
Hirschfeldia | 2 | Germany (2) |
Holcus | 68 | Germany (56), Czech Republic (11), Nordic Countries (1) |
Hordeum | 16696 | Italy (501), Germany (13239), Nordic Countries (585), Czech Republic (179), Estonia (39), Latvia (12), Lithuania (36), Netherlands (641), Poland (150), Romania (65), Slovakia (477), Switzerland (772) |
Humulus | 48 | Czech Republic (47), Germany (1) |
Hyoscyamus | 38 | Germany (36), Romania (2) |
Hyparrhenia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Hypericum | 47 | Portugal (2), Germany (41), Nordic Countries (2), Romania (2) |
Hypochaeris | 1 | Germany (1) |
Hyssopus | 11 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (9), Romania (1) |
Impatiens | 5 | Germany (4), Nordic Countries (1) |
Inula | 15 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (14) |
Iris | 6 | Germany (6) |
Isatis | 37 | Germany (36), Bulgaria (1) |
Juglans | 2 | Czech Republic (2) |
Juncus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Kedrostis | 2 | Germany (2) |
Koeleria | 19 | Estonia (1), Czech Republic (4), Germany (13), Italy (1) |
Kummerowia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Lablab | 11 | Germany (11) |
Lactuca | 1673 | Germany (569), Czech Republic (46), Netherlands (830), Slovenia (3), Nordic Countries (106), United Kingdom (119) |
Lagenaria | 73 | Germany (73) |
Lagoecia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Lagurus | 6 | Germany (6) |
Lallemantia | 7 | Germany (7) |
Lathyrus | 450 | Germany (358), Bulgaria (9), Italy (66), Slovakia (17) |
Lavandula | 7 | Germany (7) |
Lavatera | 4 | Germany (4) |
Lawsonia | 2 | Germany (1), Italy (1) |
Lens | 506 | Germany (307), Italy (192), Slovakia (7) |
Leonurus | 9 | Bulgaria (1), Nordic Countries (1), Germany (7) |
Lepidium | 97 | Germany (97) |
Lespedeza | 2 | Germany (2) |
Lesquerella | 3 | Germany (3) |
Leucanthemum | 2 | Germany (2) |
Levisticum | 20 | Germany (17), Romania (3) |
Leymus | 3 | Germany (2), Nordic Countries (1) |
Libanotis | 1 | Germany (1) |
Limnanthes | 3 | Germany (3) |
Linum | 1133 | Germany (1048), Czech Republic (5), Estonia (10), Netherlands (52), Nordic Countries (15), Romania (3) |
Lolium | 3119 | Netherlands (290), Czech Republic (92), Belgium (2), Estonia (9), Lithuania (9), Nordic Countries (114), Slovenia (2), Germany (2502), Italy (99) |
Lotus | 39 | Czech Republic (4), Estonia (1), Italy (5), Nordic Countries (2), Germany (27) |
Luffa | 23 | Germany (23) |
Lunaria | 24 | Germany (23), Nordic Countries (1) |
Lupinus | 1684 | Italy (18), Nordic Countries (1), Netherlands (25), Germany (1640) |
Lycium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Lycopersicon | 2118 | Estonia (18), Germany (2100) |
Lycopus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Lysimachia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Macrotyloma | 1 | Germany (1) |
Madia | 10 | Germany (10) |
Majorana | 7 | Germany (7) |
Malus | 1063 | Italy (979), Czech Republic (29), Estonia (55) |
Malva | 42 | Germany (39), Nordic Countries (3) |
Marrubium | 3 | Germany (3) |
Matricaria | 7 | Germany (7) |
Matthiola | 1 | Germany (1) |
Medicago | 468 | Nordic Countries (20), Germany (342), Czech Republic (18), Estonia (2), Italy (85), Slovakia (1) |
Melica | 5 | Germany (5) |
Melilotus | 15 | Estonia (1), Germany (12), Czech Republic (1), Romania (1) |
Melissa | 28 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (21), Nordic Countries (2), Portugal (1), Romania (3) |
Melothria | 4 | Germany (4) |
Mentha | 140 | Germany (113), Portugal (27) |
Mercurialis | 10 | Germany (10) |
Michauxia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Mirabilis | 1 | Germany (1) |
Misopates | 32 | Germany (32) |
Molinia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Momordica | 5 | Germany (5) |
Monarda | 1 | Germany (1) |
Moricandia | 4 | Germany (4) |
Morus | 1 | Czech Republic (1) |
Myosoton | 1 | Germany (1) |
Myosurus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Myrrhis | 2 | Germany (2) |
Nardus | 2 | Germany (2) |
Nasturtium | 3 | Germany (3) |
Nepeta | 9 | Germany (9) |
Nicandra | 1 | Germany (1) |
Nicotiana | 308 | Germany (307), Bulgaria (1) |
Nigella | 28 | Germany (15), Romania (11), Bulgaria (1), Italy (1) |
Nothoscordum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Ocimum | 202 | Bulgaria (4), Czech Republic (2), Romania (12), Germany (184) |
Oenanthe | 3 | Germany (3) |
Oenothera | 3 | Germany (3) |
Onobrychis | 39 | Germany (33), Czech Republic (1), Italy (5) |
Ononis | 5 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (4) |
Origanum | 44 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (30), Nordic Countries (8), Portugal (4), Romania (1) |
Orlaya | 1 | Germany (1) |
Ornithopus | 23 | Germany (23) |
Oryza | 71 | Italy (71) |
Ostericum | 3 | Germany (3) |
Oxalis | 2 | Germany (2) |
Panicum | 139 | Czech Republic (3), Germany (119), Italy (16), Slovakia (1) |
Papaver | 790 | Germany (714), Czech Republic (26), Nordic Countries (5), Romania (22), Slovakia (23) |
Paspalum | 2 | Germany (2) |
Pastinaca | 59 | Germany (46), Nordic Countries (1), United Kingdom (12) |
Patellifolia | 38 | Germany (38) |
Patrinia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Paysonia | 3 | Germany (3) |
Pedicularis | 1 | Germany (1) |
Peganum | 5 | Germany (4), Romania (1) |
Pennisetum | 43 | Germany (43) |
Perilla | 14 | Germany (14) |
Petroselinum | 197 | Germany (185), Nordic Countries (11), Romania (1) |
Phacelia | 8 | Czech Republic (4), Germany (4) |
Phalaris | 128 | Czech Republic (3), Estonia (2), Germany (31), Nordic Countries (91), Italy (1) |
Phaseolus | 6818 | Slovakia (29), Germany (6529), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3), Czech Republic (6), Estonia (10), Italy (129), Nordic Countries (36), Romania (66), Slovenia (10) |
Phedimus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Phleum | 1451 | Nordic Countries (448), Czech Republic (36), Estonia (6), Germany (864), Netherlands (90), Italy (7) |
Phlomis | 2 | Germany (2) |
Physalis | 6 | Germany (6) |
Phytolacca | 3 | Germany (3) |
Pimpinella | 21 | Romania (1), Germany (20) |
Piptatherum | 2 | Germany (2) |
Pisum | 5752 | Czech Republic (98), Estonia (24), Italy (1707), Netherlands (300), Nordic Countries (237), Slovakia (79), Germany (3307) |
Plantago | 16 | Germany (15), Romania (1) |
Platycodon | 6 | Germany (6) |
Poa | 1531 | Czech Republic (43), Estonia (2), Italy (15), Netherlands (130), Germany (1011), Nordic Countries (330) |
Polemonium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Polypogon | 4 | Germany (4) |
Portulaca | 10 | Netherlands (3), Germany (6), Italy (1) |
Potentilla | 3 | Germany (3) |
Praecitrullus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Prenanthes | 1 | Germany (1) |
Primula | 12 | Germany (12) |
Prunus | 366 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (7), Czech Republic (53), Estonia (1), Italy (304), Germany (1) |
Pseudarrhenatherum | 2 | Germany (2) |
Puccinellia | 5 | Germany (5) |
Pulsatilla | 6 | Germany (6) |
Pyrus | 39 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (14), Czech Republic (18), Estonia (1), Italy (6) |
Ranunculus | 2 | Germany (2) |
Raphanus | 773 | Estonia (2), Germany (597), Netherlands (66), Nordic Countries (40), United Kingdom (68) |
Rapistrum | 2 | Germany (2) |
Reseda | 34 | Germany (34) |
Rheum | 22 | Germany (22) |
Ribes | 7 | Germany (1), Estonia (1), Czech Republic (5) |
Ricinus | 16 | Germany (15), Italy (1) |
Roegneria | 1 | Italy (1) |
Rosa | 12 | Italy (11), Germany (1) |
Rosmarinus | 14 | Germany (14) |
Rubia | 5 | Germany (5) |
Rudbeckia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Rumex | 47 | Germany (43), Nordic Countries (2), Romania (2) |
Ruta | 27 | Romania (1), Germany (26) |
Salsola | 1 | Germany (1) |
Salvia | 24 | Romania (3), Bulgaria (3), Germany (18) |
Sambucus | 3 | Czech Republic (3) |
Sanguisorba | 2 | Germany (2) |
Saponaria | 2 | Germany (1), Nordic Countries (1) |
Saposhnikovia | 2 | Germany (2) |
Satureja | 47 | Romania (13), Germany (34) |
Saxifraga | 1 | Germany (1) |
Scandix | 1 | Germany (1) |
Scolymus | 5 | Germany (5) |
Scorpiurus | 3 | Germany (1), Italy (2) |
Scorzonera | 16 | Netherlands (6), Nordic Countries (5), Germany (5) |
Scrophularia | 3 | Germany (3) |
Scutellaria | 2 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (1) |
Secale | 1454 | Bulgaria (15), Czech Republic (36), Estonia (6), Latvia (6), Montenegro (5), Poland (141), Romania (72), Slovakia (3), Germany (916), Italy (115), Nordic Countries (139) |
Sechium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Securigera | 1 | Germany (1) |
Sedum | 6 | Germany (6) |
Sempervivum | 3 | Germany (3) |
Senecio | 2 | Germany (2) |
Senna | 6 | Germany (6) |
Sesamum | 20 | Germany (20) |
Seseli | 4 | Germany (4) |
Setaria | 76 | Czech Republic (2), Germany (74) |
Sherardia | 2 | Germany (2) |
Sideritis | 2 | Germany (1), Bulgaria (1) |
Silaum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Silene | 5 | Germany (5) |
Silybum | 17 | Germany (15), Romania (2) |
Sinapidendron | 1 | Germany (1) |
Sinapis | 159 | Czech Republic (5), Germany (134), Netherlands (9), Romania (7), United Kingdom (1), Nordic Countries (3) |
Sisymbrium | 7 | Germany (7) |
Sisyrinchium | 2 | Germany (2) |
Sium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Smyrnium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Solanum | 2669 | Nordic Countries (87), Netherlands (704), Germany (1617), Italy (22), Czech Republic (194), Estonia (45) |
Solidago | 4 | Nordic Countries (2), Germany (2) |
Sonchus | 3 | Germany (3) |
Sorghum | 306 | Czech Republic (1), Romania (2), Germany (240), Italy (63) |
Spartium | 1 | Germany (1) |
Spergula | 10 | Germany (10) |
Sphaerophysa | 2 | Germany (2) |
Spinacia | 284 | Germany (126), Netherlands (110), Nordic Countries (32), United Kingdom (16) |
Sporobolus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Stachys | 1 | Bulgaria (1) |
Stipa | 9 | Germany (9) |
Succisa | 1 | Germany (1) |
Symphytum | 14 | Germany (14) |
Taeniatherum | 7 | Germany (6), Italy (1) |
Tagetes | 29 | Germany (28), Romania (1) |
Tanacetum | 14 | Bulgaria (2), Germany (12) |
Teesdalia | 14 | Germany (14) |
Telekia | 2 | Germany (2) |
Tetragonia | 7 | Germany (7) |
Tetragonolobus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Teucrium | 4 | Germany (4) |
Thalictrum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Thapsia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Thermopsis | 1 | Germany (1) |
Thinopyrum | 22 | Germany (4), Italy (18) |
Thladiantha | 1 | Germany (1) |
Thlaspi | 173 | Germany (173) |
Thymus | 25 | Nordic Countries (2), Bulgaria (2), Germany (10), Portugal (11) |
Trachyspermum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Tragopogon | 32 | Germany (32) |
Tragus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Trichosanthes | 8 | Germany (8) |
Trifolium | 1918 | Estonia (8), Czech Republic (53), Netherlands (237), Nordic Countries (379), Slovakia (3), Germany (899), Italy (339) |
Trigonella | 187 | Germany (121), Italy (61), Romania (5) |
Tripleurospermum | 4 | Germany (4) |
Trisetum | 17 | Czech Republic (11), Germany (6) |
Triticale | 23 | Germany (23) |
Triticosecale | 6 | Czech Republic (5), Nordic Countries (1) |
Triticum | 28665 | Slovakia (621), Bulgaria (326), Czech Republic (509), Estonia (15), Italy (4403), Latvia (9), Montenegro (26), Netherlands (630), Poland (152), Hungary (559), Nordic Countries (249), Romania (184), Switzerland (4462), Germany (16520) |
Triticum aestivum x Triticum spelta | 1 | Slovakia (1) |
Tropaeolum | 3 | Germany (3) |
Turgenia | 1 | Germany (1) |
Urtica | 8 | Nordic Countries (2), Germany (6) |
Vaccaria | 4 | Germany (4) |
Valeriana | 10 | Bulgaria (1), Germany (9) |
Valerianella | 43 | Germany (30), Netherlands (13) |
Verbascum | 13 | Bulgaria (2), Germany (2), Nordic Countries (9) |
Verbena | 2 | Germany (2) |
Vicia | 2649 | Netherlands (95), Nordic Countries (16), Italy (2), Germany (2520), Estonia (7), Slovakia (9) |
Vigna | 448 | Germany (448) |
Vincetoxicum | 1 | Germany (1) |
Viola | 3 | Germany (3) |
Vitex | 2 | Germany (2) |
Vitis | 136 | Albania (8), Croatia (90), Czech Republic (19), Italy (13), Slovenia (6) |
VITIS | 36 | Germany (36) |
Vulpia | 10 | Germany (10) |
x Brassicoraphanus | 6 | Netherlands (6) |
Xanthium | 11 | Germany (11) |
xFestulolium | 3 | Germany (3) |
xHaynaldoticum | 2 | Germany (2) |
Xtriticosecale | 49 | Slovakia (49) |
xTriticosecale | 409 | Germany (53), Switzerland (356) |
Zea | 2114 | Germany (1099), Italy (682), Netherlands (195), Romania (136), Slovakia (2) |
Zehneria | 2 | Germany (2) |
Zigadenus | 1 | Germany (1) |
Ziziphora | 1 | Germany (1) |
Zygophyllum | 1 | Germany (1) |