EVA – The European Evaluation Network for Plant Genetic Resources

Established by ECPGR in 2019, EVA brings together diverse stakeholders of PGRFA in Europe to improve our knowledge of the diversity of genetic plant material held in European genebanks and make them accessible for use in breeding and research. 


Boosting the EVA Networks: a new expansion to legumes and perennial crops

A new project funded by the German Ministry for Food and Agriculture will build on previous successes of the European Evaluation Network (EVA) to…

Strengthening plant genetic resource conservation and access: the ‘New AEGIS’ project

A new German-funded project will improve transparency, data integration and genebank standards of AEGIS members and increase EURISCO coverage.

Unlocking maize diversity: a new study on European landraces by the EVA Network

Published in Biology, the study showcases the genetic and phenotypic diversity of 626 maize landraces preserved in European genebanks.


The Plant Genetic Resources Strategyfor Europe sets ambitious goals and actionable steps for conservation and use by 2030.

Genetic Resources Journal

An open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishing research, methods, case studies, reviews and opinions on genetic resource use and conservation, supported by ECPGR and ERFP.
Submit your manuscript at: www.GenResJ.org

Crop wild relatives in EURISCO

The project is endowing the European region with a centralized, public and web-searchable inventory of passport data for in situ CWR priority populations. 
Learn more

Our  vision
The widest plant diversity is preserved for sustainable agriculture,
food security and quality

Our mission
European Network to promote conservation, management and sustainable use
of plant genetic diversity


A European Genebank Integrated



European Search Catalogue
for Plant Genetic Resources



European Evaluation


PRO-GRACE: Promoting a Plant Genetic Resources Community for Europe

ECPGR is part of PRO-GRACE, a EU-funded project to develop the concept for a novel European Research Infrastructure dedicated to cataloguing, describing, safeguarding and enhancing European plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.

ECPGR is leading WP5 (Research Infrastructure concept, social and regulatory aspects, governance and financial plan), which will define what the proposed Research Infrastructure (RI) will look like by providing a technical analysis of the current RI ecosystem, identifying its main stakeholders, promoters and users, and establishing its services, structure, governance and financial plan.