Private Public Partnerships (PPP) project second phase
The overall objective of ECPGR’s PPP project was to work towards the establishment of Private Public Partnerships on the use of PGRFA across and for the benefit of the European region. During the first phase of the project (January-July 2017) a PPP knowledge base was developed and a workshop took place in June 2017 (see below).
The aim of the second phase (August 2017 – March 2018), supported again by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, was to prepare a framework for a European Evaluation Network. Activities focussed on the preparation of framework documents, the identification of standards and protocols that would need to be harmonized, and the development of criteria for prioritizing crops for kick-starting the implementation of the network. Recommendations were drafted for discussion at the ECPGR Steering Committee meeting in May 2018 about including ECPGR Secretariat support to a European Evaluation Network as a permanent task in ECPGR Phase X.
Private Public Partnerships (PPP) knowledge base
One of ECPGR’s aims is to strengthen the relations with users of germplasm. One identified means to achieve this is by improving the collaborations with users in the public and private sector. To support the establishment of research partnerships between genebanks and researchers at national and European level, ECPGR collected existing PPP examples across Europe and has made them available here.
The creation of this knowledge base on PPPs has been carried out within the project “Increasing ECPGR knowledge and opportunities on Private Public Partnerships for the use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA)”, funded through a voluntary contribution provided by Germany. Access PPP knowledge base
Private Public Partnerships Workshop
A PPP workshop took place from 7-9 June 2017 in Bonn, Germany. Expected outcomes of the workshop are recommendations and a draft proposal for an “Evaluation Programme on PGRFA in Europe” More information on the Workshop