Prunus spinosa, Lombardia, Italy. Photo: L. Maggioni

Daniela Giovannini as Chair for Phase X in January 2019
View CV (121,8 KB)
Grant Scheme Activities
Phase X
Fifth Call (2021) |
Phase IX
Fifth Call (2017) | |
Second Call (2015) | |
First Call (2014) |
Working Group activities and related events
February 2025
Within the EVA Boost project, relevant stakeholders from the fruit tree and berries sectors will meet in Ancona do discuss a framework to establish a new EVA network on perennial plants, involving members form the ECPGR Berries, Malus/Pyrus and Prunus Working Groups. [More info]
November 2022
The Prunus Working Group will be involved in the organization of the first international ISHS Apricot and Plum symposium scheduled for April 2024
November 2021
The project on "Improvement of Fruit Tree Data Inclusion in EURISCO (FRUITTREEDATA)", submitted by the Prunus Working Group for funding under the Fifth Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme for Phase X, was selected by the Executive Committee [more info]
January 2021
The final activity report on Prunus Alignment, Testing, Use and Alignment of genetic data to distinguish unique and characterized accessions in Prunus - Prunus Alignment (1 January 2018 - 30 April 2020), is published (available here)
February 2020
The Prunus Alignment meeting was held 18 February 2020 in Athens, Greece [more info]
December 2019
To ensure availability of partners, the Prunus Alignment meeting originally planned for September/October had to be postponed. It will take place on 18 February 2020 in Athens, Greece.
The Activity timeframe is therefore extended by three months.
September 2019
Collaborative action for updating, documenting and communicating the cherry patrimonial richness in EU (EU.CHERRY): the Final Activity Report is now available online [here].
August 2018
The “Passport and priority descriptors for cherry” agreed by the EU.CHERRY Activity partners are now available online (here)
October 2017
The project on “Testing, Use and Alignment of genetic data to distinguish unique and characterized accessions in Prunus (Prunus Alignment)" (226,8 KB), submitted by the Prunus Working Group for funding under the Fifth Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee. [more]
August 2016
Identification of a representative set of Prunus domestica accessions of European origin, well documented and characterized, to be included into the AEGIS system (PRUNDOC)
The final Activity Report and related data are now available online [here]
July 2016
The PRUNDOC Activity Coordinator attended the ISHS IX International Symposium on Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding and Pomology held 17-21 July 2016 in Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, and presented a poster concerning the SSR results from PRUNDOC (Genetic diversity of Prunus domestica selected from ten countries across Europe (322,9 KB)). The manuscript will be published in Acta Horticulturae.
April 2016
The kick-off meeting of the project on "Collaborative action for updating, documenting and communicating the cherry patrimonial richness in EU (EU.CHERRY)" was held on 6 April 2016 in Naoussa, Greece, jointly with the meeting of the COST Action FA1104 on “Sustainable production of high-quality cherries for the European market". [more info]
February 2016
The project on "Collaborative action for updating, documenting and communicating the cherry patrimonial richness in EU (EU.CHERRY)", submitted by the Prunus Working Group for funding under the third call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee. [more info]
January 2016
The Prunus Working Group agreed on their crop-specific standards for genebank management (see here)
August 2015
The PRUNDOC Activity Coordinator and the partner from Greece attended the III EUFRIN Plum and Prune Working Group Meeting on Present Constraints of Plum Growing in Europe held 20-21 August 2015 at Skopelos, Greece, and gave an oral presentation on “PRUNDOC – A Project to Define Accessions for the European Collection”. The manuscript will be published in Acta Horticulturae.
April 2015
The meeting of the project "Identification of a representative set of Prunus domestica accessions of European origin, well documented and characterized, to be included into the AEGIS system (PRUNDOC)", was held 20-21 April 2015 in Leuven, Belgium. [more info]
March 2015
Collaboration with the COST Action FA1104 ‘Sustainable production of high-quality cherries for the European market’.
This Action aims at creating a dynamic network of scientists and other professionals conducting research to improve sweet or sour cherry production in Europe, the main cherry producer.
Several WG members participated in the workshop on “Long Term Preservation of Woody Species by Cryo-Techniques”, 26-27 March 2015, Area di Ricerca CNR di Firenze, Italy.
This workshop was organized within WG1 ‘Genetic resources and breeding, Genetics and Genomics’ established in the COST Action FA1104.
The following documents are available:
- Workshop programme (276,2 KB)
- List of participants (154,6 KB)
- Book of Abstracts (970,7 KB)
- Scientific Report (242,9 KB)
December 2014
The project on “Identification of a representative set of Prunus domestica accessions of European origin, well documented and characterized, to be included into the AEGIS system (PRUNDOC)” , submitted by the Prunus Working Group for funding under the second call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee. [more info]
Publication of a paper authored by two members of the WG in the Proceedings of the Second Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing, 5-7 September 2011, Pitesti, Romania.
Benediková D, Giovannini D. 2013. Review on genetic resources in the ECPGR Prunus Working Group. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 981:43-51.
Working Group operative documents

- Working Group Chair’s report for Phase IX (prepared for the Fifteenth ECPGR Steering Committee Meeting) (see here)
- Workplan for the second part of Phase VIII (2011-2013) (follow-up at June 2013) (142,5 KB)
- Workplan for the second part of Phase VIII (2011-2013) (Appendix I, Report of the Eighth Meeting, 7-9 September 2010, Forlí, Italy) (144,0 KB)
- Progress reports Phase VII (June 2006- June 2008)
Background information
The Prunus Working Group was established in 1983 as one of the original six Working Groups developed during the first Phase of ECPGR.
Related Information
Other Working Group documents and publications
Useful links