Plavac mali. Photo: Edi Maletic, University of Zagreb, Croatia


Georgios Merkouropoulos


Dragoslav Ivanišević

Grant Scheme Activities

Working group activities and related events

March 2025
The final report of the Sylvestris Activity is available here

May 2024
The final meeting for the Sylvestris Activity was held online on 29 May 2024 [more info]

October 2023
The second meeting for the Sylvestris Activity took place in Kavala, Greece, from 10-11 October 2023 [more info].

December 2022
The project on 'Increasing the efficiency of conservation of Vitis sylvestris genetic resources in EuropeActivity (Sylvestris)', submitted for funding under the Sixth Call of the Phase X ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee. [more info

March 2022
Georgios Merkouropoulos is the new Chair of the Vitis Working Group, joined by Dragoslav Ivanišević as the Vice-Chair.

The  AEG-VIT-IS Activity Report is available online [here]

November 2020
The meeting of the AEG-VIT-IS Activity was held virtually on Thursday, 5 November 2020. [more info]

July  2020
The meeting of the AEG-VIT-IS Activity, planned for 2-3 July 2020 in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, was postponed until further notice.

July 2019
The project on Enhancing quality and quantity of Vitis genetic resources in AEGIS (AEG VIT IS), submitted by the Vitis Working Group for funding under the First Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme for Phase X, was selected by the Executive Committee. [more info]

July 2018
The database on “Rare traditional varieties on-farm” is now online (here).

March 2018
The final Activity report is now available online (here)

October 2017
A meeting related to ECPGR Activity GrapeOnFarm (On-farm inventory of minor grape varieties in the European Vitis Database) was held in Siebeldingen, Germany, on 10 October 2017. [more info]

June 2017
InWiGrape: the final Activity Report and related data (Bibliography) are now available online here

July 2016
A meeting related to ECPGR Activity InWiGrape (Increasing the efficiency of conservation of wild grapevine genetic resources in Europe) was held in Split, Croatia, on 5 July 2016. [more info]

May 2016
The project on "On-farm inventory of minor grape varieties in the European Vitis Database (Grape On Farm)", submitted by the Vitis Working Group for funding under the third call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee. [more info]

December 2015
The project on "Increasing the efficiency of conservation of wild grapevine genetic resources in Europe (InWiGrape)", submitted by the Vitis Working Group for funding under the Second Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee.[more info]

June 2013
The ECPGR Fruit Network supported the creation of a log book for the European Vitis Database, documenting import and modification of data. Thus administrator and partners of the European Vitis Database now can trace back actions carried out. This is indispensable in case of database corruption in order to restore data content.

Previous years [link to ECPGR archive]

Working Group operative documents

  • Working Group Chair’s report for Phase IX (prepared for the Fifteenth ECPGR Steering Committee Meeting) <link _self internal-link internal link in current>(see here) 
  • <link file:8008 _blank download file>Workplan follow-up (29 April 2013)
  • <link file:8007 _blank download file>Workplan 2012-2013 (agreed at second meeting, September 2012)
  • <link file:5529 _blank download file>Progress reports Phase VII (2006-2008)

Background information

In October 2001, the ECPGR Steering Committee agreed on the establishment of a Working Group on Vitis, as a result of a request submitted by the project partners of the EU-funded project on Vitis, which was terminated in February 2002. The objective is to strengthen European collaboration for the purpose of improving the conservation and sustainable use of Vitis genetic resources in Europe.