National Programmes – Public awareness actitivities
On the page National Programmes, you can find information on public awareness material produced by the National Programmes in the European countries.
In case you wish to add some information to this website related to your country, please contact the ECPGR Secretariat.
Why plant genetic resources matter
Plant genetic resources provide the building blocks for selecting or breeding crops that are more nutritious, productive and resilient to pests, diseases and environmental changes.
Find out more about why they are a key resource that needs to be safeguarded and sustainably used.
Video – EVA, The European Evaluation Network for Plant Genetic Resources
EVA was established in 2019 to bring together diverse stakeholders of PGRFA in Europe, jointly improving our knowledge of the diversity of genetic plant material held in European genebanks and making them accessible for use in breeding and research.
Video – Saving European plant and food diversity: together, we are stronger!
In this video, researcher Marc Lateur explains why we should worry about crop genetic diversity disappearing and what they are doing at the Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques in Belgium to safeguard apple varieties.
The Science of Greens: Using Genetic Insights to Cultivate Better, Stronger Lettuce
Based on work by the EVA Lettuce network, the audiobook explores the key findings of the paper ‘Development and Application of Single Primer Enrichment Technology (SPET) SNP Assay for Population Genomics Analysis and Candidate Gene Discovery in Lettuce,’ which was published in Frontiers in Plant Science.
Listen to the audiobook
ECPGR materials
ECPGR Brochure
Previous leaflet: ECPGR Phase X (2019-2023) PDF (1,0 MB)
AEGIS: A European Genebank Integrated System - leaflet
Previous leaflet: A European Genebank Integrated System (May 2016) PDF (791,0 KB)
ECPGR communication and public relations strategy
Approved by the Steering Committee, January 2020 [pdf]
Newsletter for Europe
- The Newsletter for Europe has been regularly published by Bioversity International until April 2012. This Newsletter was intended to serve as an informal forum for the exchange of news and views, and to create closer ties within the genetic resources community in Europe. Past issues can be found here.