Barley (Hordeum vulgare), NIAB Innovation Farm, Cambridge, UK. Photo: Bioversity International/N.Capozio

Jan Svensson
jan.svensson@nordgen.orgConfirmed as Chair for Phase X in March 2019
Grant Scheme Activities
Second Call (2015) | |
First Call (2014) |
Working Group activities and related events

May 2020
Launch of the European project AGENT (“Activated GEnebank NeTwork “)
Kick-off meeting, 18 May 2020
Extract of Press release available on the AGENT project website
Large international consortium aims to improve the management of plant genetic resources through unified standards and a global gene bank network
The new EU research project AGENT aims to unlock the full potential of the biological material stored in gene banks around the globe by introducing a new international standard and an open digital infrastructure for the management of plant genetic resources. Targeting a better integration of existing genetic material into modern breeding programmes, the project will make an important contribution to global food security and the adaption of staple food crops to changing climatic conditions worldwide. The AGENT project’s objectives will be exemplified using barley and wheat, but the generated data management processes could be applied to other crop collections in the future. Over the next five years, the 19 project partners will receive EUR 7 million funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework programme. [more]
May 2020
European Evaluation Networks (EVA) – Wheat and Barley Network. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting of the EVA Wheat and Barley Project, originally planned for 5-6 May 2020 in Gatersleben, Germany, was replaced by a full day virtual meeting on 5 May 2020 [more info]
March 2019
Integration of barley characterization and evaluation data into EURISCO, and development of specifications for a barley crop portal, with a focus to improve the AEGIS collection (Barley C&E Data): the Final Activity Report is now available online [here].
March 2017
The joint workshop with the ForageDataAcess Activity took place 14-16 March 2017 in Malmö, Sweden. [more info]
July 2016
“Identification and updating of C&E data in EBDB of AEGIS Hordeum (HordEva)”: the final Activity Report is now available online [here]
May 2016
The project on "Integration of barley characterization and evaluation data into EURISCO, and development of specifications for a barley crop portal, with a focus to improve the AEGIS collection (Barley C&E Data)", submitted by the Barley Working Group for funding under the second call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee.
November 2015
The HordEva project meeting took place in Alnarp, Sweden, 18-20 November 2015. More
April 2015
Identification and updating of C&E data in EBDB of AEGIS Hordeum (HordEva)". A first meeting to finalize the detailed workplan for the project took place on 21 April 2015 in Berlin. [more info]
December 2014
The project on "Identification and updating of C&E data in EBDB of AEGIS Hordeum (HordEva)", submitted by the Barley and Documentation and Information Working Groups for funding under the first call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee.
July 2013
Cereals related events: the AEGIS supported project ‘Improving the prerequisites for a European rye collection’ has been concluded. Based on a survey and a workshop that involved the main rye collection holders in Europe, the project produced a draft of rye germplasm conservation procedures, a draft descriptor list for cultivated rye and a provisional list of Secale candidate European Accessions [more info]
Working Group operative documents
- Working Group Chair’s report for Phase IX (prepared for the Fifteenth ECPGR Steering Committee Meeting) (see here)
Background information
The Working Group on Barley was convened for the first time in 1983, as one of the original six Working Groups developed during the first Phase of ECPGR.
Related Information
Other Working Group documents and publications