Task Force for the European Coordination and Information Centre for conservation and sustainable use of agricultural genetic resources (ECIC)

The Plant Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe draws up a strategic vision to secure plant genetic resources and enable Europe to meet its commitments under the European Green Deal, as well as under global policy frameworks and legislative instruments.
One of the interventions suggested by the Strategy to overcome the current scattered and dispersed landscape of activities for agricultural conservation and use in Europe, is the establishment of a new European Coordination and Information Centre for conservation and sustainable use of agricultural genetic resources.

This centre will be expected to support the European Commission, European governments and their national programmes in implementing and monitoring the Plant Genetic Resources Strategy. It should also improve institutional channels between the EU, the European networks, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN and other international partners.

ECPGR and the European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources (ERFP) put together a Task Force to brainstorm about ways and options to establish the ECIC.


  • 3 March 2022, online (minutes)
  • 27 March 2023, online (minutes (144,6 KB))