Goals and objectives for Phase IX (2014-2018)

The thirteenth meeting of the ECPGR Steering Committee (Vienna, December 2012) agreed on a long-term goal to which ECPGR contributes and six objectives that should be attributable to ECPGR within one Phase, as follows:

Long-term goal

National, Sub-regional and Regional Programmes in Europe collaboratively, rationally and effectively conserve ex situ and in situ PGRFA, provide access and increase utilization.


Details of outputs, activities, responsibilities, indicators and assumptions for the outcomes are available in the Objectives of ECPGR for Phase IX (Long-term Goal and Outcomes) - (v2, April 2015 – outcome 3 on-farm component to be finalized). (271,7 KB)

  1. AEGIS is operational. Accessions in AEGIS are characterized and evaluated.
  2. Quantity and quality of data in EURISCO, including in situ and on-farm data, have been increased. Functionality of EURISCO meets users' expectations.
  3. In situ and on-farm conservation and management of priority crop wild relative (CWR) and landrace (LR) populations are implemented throughout Europe. Mechanisms are in place for more effective utilization of the conserved germplasm.
  4. Commitment and regular resources of national governments are sustained or increased, and commitments and resources of the European Commission (EC), as well as of other potential donors towards ECPGR are increased.
  5. Relations with users of germplasm are strengthened. (see below under 'Related info')
  6. Organizational structure and secretarial support are adequate to effectively sustain the operations of ECPGR.

Related Information

Goals and objectives