List of background documents prepared for the Eleventh Steering Committee meeting (end of ECPGR Phase VII)
Report on Phase VII
- Technical Report on ECPGR Phase VII (506,3 KB)
- Financial report 2007 (338,5 KB)
Networks progress reports
Cereals Network
Forages Network
- Forages WG (41,1 KB)
Fruit Network
- Malus/Pyrus WG (59,3 KB)
- Prunus WG (225,8 KB)
- Vitis WG (35,8 KB)
Oil and Protein Crops Network
- Grain Legumes WG (86,3 KB)
Sugar, Starch and Fibre Crops Network
- Beta WG (35,5 KB)
- Fibre Crops (Flax and Hemp) WG (37,9 KB)
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plants WG (34,3 KB)
- Potato WG (41,8 KB)
Vegetables Network
- Allium WG (43,7 KB)
- Brassica WG (33,6 KB)
- Cucurbits WG (83,3 KB)
- Leafy Vegetables WG (40,4 KB)
- Solanaceae WG (43,8 KB)
- Umbellifer Crops WG (26,4 KB)
Documentation and Information Network (50,6 KB)
In situ and On-farm Conservation Network (220,8 KB)
Inter-regional Cooperation Network (26,8 KB)
- AEGIS Coordinator report (462,4 KB)
- Annex I. Model Crop Progress report (July 2008): Allium (49,8 KB)
- Annex II. Model Crop Progress report (July 2008): Avena (74,3 KB)
- Annex III. Model Crop Progress report (July 2008): Brassica (113,6 KB)
- Annex IV. Model Crop Progress report (July 2008): Prunus (56,2 KB)
- Annex V (a). Evaluating the Cost-Effectivenes of Collection Management: A Methodological Framework for AEGIS (D. Horna) (281,8 KB)
- Annex V (b). Incremental Costs Analysis of AEGIS (D. Horna) (171,0 KB)
- Annex VI. Quality Management System (QMS) discussion paper (J. Engels, L. Maggioni and T. van Hintum) (34,9 KB)
- Annex VII. AEGIS MoU (120,3 KB)
Documentation and Information
- EURISCO Coordinator report (61,6 KB)
- Registration procedure of accessions under the Multilateral System of the International Treaty and under AEGIS (131,7 KB)
- Reporting procedure under the Standard Material Transfer Agreement of the Multilateral System of the International Treaty for European Providers (136,5 KB)
- The European ex situ PGR Information Landscape. A vision paper (T. van Hintum, F. Begemann and L. Maggioni) (123,9 KB)
ECPGR and other international fora/institutions
Networks projects and budget proposals for Phase VIII
Cereals Network
- Cereals Network project and budget (34,7 KB)
- Letter of the Cereals Network Coordinating Group to the SC (36,7 KB)
- Avena WG project (100,6 KB)
- Barley WG project (56,9 KB)
- Wheat WG project (16,6 KB)
Forages Network
- Forages Network project (23,1 KB)
- Forages Network budget (10,7 KB)
Fruit Network
- Fruit Network project and budget (84,9 KB)
- Letter of the Fruit Network Coordinating Group to the SC (11,8 KB)
- Vitis WG project (8,2 KB)
Oil and Protein Crops Network
Sugar, Starch and Fibre Crops Network
- Sugar, Starch and Fibre Crops Network project and budget (38,2 KB)
- MAP WG project (306,0 KB)
Vegetables Network
- Vegetables Network project and budget (35,6 KB)
- Allium WG project (17,8 KB)
- Brassica WG project (30,7 KB)
- Cucurbits WG project (28,1 KB)
- Leafy Vegetables WG project (11,1 KB)
- Solanaceae WG project (39,5 KB)
- Umbellifer WG project (19,0 KB)
Documentation and Information Network
In situ and On-farm Conservation Network
- In situ and On-farm Conservation Network project (28,3 KB)
- In situ and On-farm Conservation Network budget (19,8 KB)
Inter-regional Cooperation Network
Budget proposal for Phase VIII
- Budget proposal (12,6 KB)
- Proposed country contributions (14,4 KB)