Fourth joint meeting of the ECPGR Beta Working Group and World Beta Network (WBN)
Fourth joint meeting of the ECPGR Beta Working Group and World Beta Network (WBN) |
France |
Cappelle-en-Pévèle |
Yes |
19.06.2012-21.06.2012 |
List of Participants
Name | Country | Observer | Remarks | |
Mr Andreas Melikyan | Armenia | No | a_melikyan(at) | |
Mr Dzmitry Luzhynsky (On behalf of Anna Svirshchevskaya) | Belarus | No | belgenbank(at) | |
Mr Bruno Desprez | France | No | Host | bruno.desprez(at) |
Mr Guram Aleksidze | Georgia | No | guram_aleksidze(at) | |
Mr Christoph Germeier | Germany | No | WBN meeting participant | christoph.germeier(at) |
Mr Lothar Frese | Germany | No | lothar.frese(at) | |
Bettina Müller | Germany | No | WBN meeting participant | be.mueller(at) |
Ms Parthenopi Ralli | Greece | No | (Network funds) | pralli(at) |
Mr Dermot Grogan | Ireland | No | dermot.grogan(at) | |
Mr Giuseppe Mandolino | Italy | No | giuseppe.mandolino(at) | |
Mr Piergiorgio Stevanato | Italy | No | WBN meeting participant | stevanato(at) |
Mr Lorenzo Maggioni | ITALY | No | ECPGR Secretariat | l.maggioni(at) |
Ms Kamilla Kuzdowicz | Poland | No | k.kuzdowicz(at) | |
Ms Maria Cristina Duarte | Portugal | No | (Network funds) | mcduarte(at) |
Mr Arnoldo Santos Guerra | Spain | No | Chair's quota | asantos0511(at) |
Ms Ayfer Tan | Türkiye | No | etae(at) | |
Mr Brian Ford-Lloyd | United Kingdom | No | B.Ford-LLoyd(at) | |
Mr Friedrich Kopisch-Obuch | No | WBN meeting participant | f.kopisch(at) | |
Mr Abazar Rajabi | No | WBN meeting participant | abazar.rajabi(at) | |
Ms Anna Litwiniec | No | WBN meeting participant | a.litwiniec(at) | |
Mr Lee Panella | No | WBN meeting particpant | Lee.Panella(at) | |
Mr Mohamad Nasser Arjmand | No | WBN meeting participant | mnarjmand(at) | |
Mr Tomohiko Kubo | No | WBN meeting participant | tomohiko(at) | |
Zahra Abbasi | No | WBN meeting participant | zahraabbasi2011(at) | |
Mr Jens Christoph Lein | No | WBN meeting participant | jens.lein(at) | |
Mr Kazunori Taguchi | No | WBN meeting participant | ktaguchi(at) | |
Ms Yasmina El Bahloul | No | WBN meeting participant | yas_ba(at) | |
Mr Enrico Biancardi | No | WBN meeting participant | enrico.biancardi(at) | |
Mr Marco Bertaggia | No | WBN meeting participant | marcobertaggia(at) | |
Ms Chiara Broccanello | No | WBN meeting participant | chiarabr87(at) | |
Mr Andreas Müller | No | WBN meeting participant | a.mueller(at) | |
Mr Mohsen Aghaiezadeh Kamakoli | No | WBN meeting participant | mohsen_agh(at) | |
Pascal Touzet | No | WBN meeting participant | pascal.touzet(at) |