Members of the newly established ECPGR Working Group on Fibre Crops (Flax and Hemp), in the framework of Sugar, Starch and Fibre Crops Network, met for the first time at Wageningen, the Netherlands on 14–16 June 2006. Fifteen participants from the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Romania took part in the meeting to discuss flax and hemp national collection status reports as well as flax and hemp international databases development.
: Bas, N.; Pavelek, M.; Maggioni, L.; Lipman, E.
Corporate Author:: European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR); Bioversity International, Rome (Italy)
Pages: 30 p.
Publication Years: 2010
Publication Format: PDF
: 978-92-9043-837-3
Language: EN