In August 2022, the European Evaluation Network (EVA) results were shared at international conferences for the first time. The EVA Carrot network presented the preliminary findings of their joint evaluations of 60 carrot accessions. At the International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2022) in Angers, France, partner Paolo Pagan (Carosem) gave a presentation titled 'EVA – European evaluation network harnessing carrot genetic diversity present in European genebanks', which was well received by the audience of the symposium on conservation and sustainable use of horticultural genetic resources. The topic fitted well within the session Partnerships and strategies for promoting sustainable horticultural production to increase impact, and a paper was prepared for the conference proceedings, which will be published in a special edition of Acta Horticulturae. Shortly after the IHC, the International Carrot Conference took place in Mt Vernon (USA), and here Arnaud Thabuis (Rijk Zwaan) presented the EVA Carrot network in form of a poster (4,1 MB).
EVA Carrot network results shared at international conferences in 2022
EVA News
In August 2022, the EVA Carrot network presented the first results of their joint evaluations of 60 carrot accessions.
EVA carrot partners presenting a poster at the International Carrot Conference in Mt. Vernon, USA.