Private Public Partnerships Workshop - Presentations

All presentations given during the workshop are listed in the table below. Click on the title of the presentation to display the relevant presentation.
Disclaimer: These texts and presentations have not been edited and are being published as originally received from the authors.

Workshop on 7 June 2017

1Overview of PPP project and ECPGR PPP web pages (1,2 MB)I.Thormann
2The Nordic PPP on pre-breeding - from start to today (706,8 KB)A.Nilsson; A.Hägnefelt
3The national programme for the evaluation of genetic resources in cereals (EVAII) - a model for a private public partnership (699,0 KB)F.Ordon
4Combining knowledge from field and from laboratory for pre-breeding in barley II (969,3 KB)A.Jahoor
5Living Seeds - Sementes Vivas SA and INIAV: Seeds and More in Portugal (572,0 KB)A.M.Barata; S.Doeblin
6Collaboration between CGN and the seed industry (545,7 KB)R.van Treuren
7Vegetable Genetic Improvement Network VeGIN (1,1 MB)C.Allender
8Collaboration with the French Daucus Network (334,1 KB)J.Sacre
9Technology-driven innovation for plant breeding in PPPs - Access to diversity through access to information (2,5 MB)S.Peters

Workshop on 8 June 2017

1Promais and Amaizing: an overview of PPP related to maize genetic resources in France since 35 years (1,9 MB)A.Charcosset
2Crop Improvement Research Club (CIRC) (958,6 KB)J.Phillips
3Fruit tree genetic resources PPP's projects boosting uses of genetic resources and public awareness (2,5 MB)M.Lateur
4Grapevine genetic resources: evaluation and pre-breeding at the European level (2,4 MB)R.Töpfer
5BIOVEGEN - R&D network for plant biotechnology (2,9 MB)D.Lapuente
6The Citruseq Consortium: a public-private initiative for citrus breeding (1,1 MB)M.Talon
7A European Evaluation Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (1,2 MB)F.Begemann
8The Establishment of A European Genebank Integrated System (1,0 MB)L.Maggioni
9Documenting European Agrobiodiversity: EURISCO - The European Search Portal for Plant Genetic Resources (1,3 MB)S.Weise
10Critical aspects of public partnerships in germplasm development (519,3 KB)M.Rasmussen
11Valorization of PGR from a breeder's perspective (1,5 MB)B.Killian


PPP Workshop