Presentations given at the first meeting of the SafeAlliDiv Project, 10-13 July 2017, Tallinn, Estonia
All presentations given during the meeting are listed in the table below. Click on the title of the presentation to display the relevant presentation.
Disclaimer: These texts and presentations have not been edited and are being published as originally received from the authors.
Title | Author |
Information and update on ECPGR (1,3 MB) | L.Maggioni |
Allium in Estonia - commercial production and home gardens (435,1 KB) | P.Põldma |
Current status of Allium collection in Croatia (796,1 KB) | S.Goret Ban |
Current status of Allium collection in Czech Republic (734,3 KB) | H.Stavělíková |
Alliums in Finland (596,9 KB) | T.Suojala-Ahlfors |
The situation of Allium crops cultivation in Latvia (439,7 KB) | L.Lepse |
Growing of Allium in Lithuania (1,5 MB) | D.Juškevičienė |
Allium in Norway (622,1 KB) | I.Vågen |
Allium in Sweden (897,6 KB) | M.Leino |