Collection, Characterization and Evaluation of wild and cultivated Brassicas

Activity Coordinator: Ferdinando Branca  Email

The project "COllection, CHaracterization and EVAluation of wild and cultivated BRASsicas", submitted by the Brassica Working Group for funding under the Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee in December 2014.

Latest news (November 2016)
The final Activity Report is now available.

Summary of the results
The Brassica collection characterized by the COCHEVA BRAS project showed the main differences between Portuguese and Italian accessions in terms of biomorphological, biochemical and genetic traits, and allowed identifying the Most Appropriate Accessions (MAAs) to be proposed for inclusion into AEGIS. A great variability was observed for biochemical compounds, both for the B. oleracea landraces and for the Brassica wild species (n=9) accessions evaluated. The genetic variability observed, for the SSR primers utilized and the sequence of the PCR products for the BoGSL ELONG primer, allowed individuating several SNPs useful to continue work for understanding the metabolic pathway for the glucosinolate biosynthesis.  


Related Information

ECPGR Brassica Working Group