Testing, Use and Alignment of genetic data to distinguish unique and characterized accessions in Prunus
Activity Coordinator: Matthew Ordidge email
The proposal on "Testing, Use and Alignment of genetic data to distinguish unique and characterized accessions in Prunus (Prunus Alignment)", submitted by the Prunus Working Group for funding under the Fifth Call of the ECPGR Activity Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee in October 2017.
- Activity proposal (226,8 KB)
- Summary of the expected outputs (249,5 KB)
June 2021
An article is published on Plants:
Ordidge M. et al. 2021. Towards a Joint International Database: Alignment of SSR Marker Data for European Collections of Cherry Germplasm
January 2021
The Final Activity Report is available:
February 2020
A meeting was held 18 February in Athens, Greece.
- Meeting report (72,1 KB)
- Agenda (23,7 KB)
- List of participants (35,5 KB)
- Presentations given at the meeting
December 2019
To ensure availability of partners, the meeting originally planned for September/October had to be postponed. It will take place on 18 February 2020 in Athens, Greece.
The Activity timeframe is therefore extended by three months.
June 2019
A poster on the Activity was presented at the XV EUCARPIA Fruit Breeding and Genetics Symposium, 3-7 June 2019, Prague – Suchdol, Czech Republic
Ordidge M. et al. 2019. Prunus Alignment – integrating data for European plum and cherry germplasm (863,9 KB)
April 2019
SSR data have been generated by the Department of Plant Breeding of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. A manuscript describing the findings from analysis of the data (alongside the data from the previous ECPGR PRUNDOC project) has been submitted for review. Detailed planning for the high resolution melt experiment is underway.
September 2018
SSR data have been generated for 59 plum accessions (plus standards) using 9 markers by the Department of Plant Breeding of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Discussions are underway around the inclusion of these data, alongside ongoing analysis of previously scored ECPGR data (from the PRUNDOC project) to allow a more comprehensive analysis to be made. First and second priority descriptor data for plums continued to be collected by partners on fruit traits through the summer.
June 2018
Leaf or DNA samples have been collected and supplied by partners for the initial SSR genotyping of plum accessions (expected to cover 59 accessions from across 10 countries) to be carried out by the Department of Plant Breeding of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Initial First/Second priority characterization data have begun to be collected although most will be focused on fruit traits in the summer.