Second meeting of the ECPGR Vitis Working Group
The second meeting of the ECPGR Vitis Working Group was held on 18-20 September 2012 at Siebeldingen, Germany. The meeting was organized in collaboration with the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof, Siebeldingen, Germany.
- Report of the meeting
- Highlights of the meeting
- Presentations given during the meeting
- National Status Reports
- Group pictures
Working Group documents
- European Vitis Database passport data and descriptor recording rules <media 8905 _blank - "TEXT, EVDB passportdata recordingrules, EVDB_passportdata_recordingrules.pdf, 155 KB">[PDF]</media>
AEGIS background documents and links
- The European Collection
- AEGIS homepage
- General description of the AEGIS initiative <media 15797 _self - "APPLICATION, General Description AEGIS Initiative, General_Description_AEGIS_Initiative.pdf, 34 KB">[PDF]</media>
- Strategic Framework - policy guide <media 14843 _blank - "APPLICATION, Strategic Framework - Policy Guide 120109 with covers, Strategic_Framework_-_Policy_Guide_120109_with_covers.pdf, 0.9 MB">[PDF]</media>
- Discussion paper on AEGIS <media 14841 _blank - "APPLICATION, Quality Systemfinal, QualitySystemfinal.pdf, 104 KB">[PDF]</media>
Other documents
Germplasm databases and other links
- <link germplasm_databases central_crop_databases _self external-link-new-window>ECPGR Central Crop Databases (ECCDBs) for <link germplasm_databases central_crop_databases _self external-link-new-window>Vitis
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