48 ECPGR Berries Working Group Members
Category of expertise: Crop specialist
Country | Name | Organization | Contact Details | Expertise | Remarks |
Austria | Mr Lothar Wurm | Institut für Obstbau HBLA und Bundesamt für Wein- und Obstbau Wienerstrasse 74 3400 Klosterneuburg Austria |
Tel: (43) 2243 37910 330 lothar.wurm@weinobst.at |
Crop specialist | |
Czech Republic | Mr Jiří Sedlák | Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd. Holovousy 1 508 01 Horice Czech Republic |
Tel: (420) 493692821 sedlak@vsuo.cz |
Crop specialist | |
Denmark | Mr Torben Toldam-Andersen | The University of Copenhagen Faculty of Life Sciences, Dept of Agricultural Sciences - Crop science Højbakkegård Allé 21 2630 Taastrup Denmark |
Tel: (45) 35333411 tbta@plen.ku.dk |
Crop specialist, Genebank Curator | |
Estonia | Ms Hedi Kaldmäe | Estonian University of Life Sciences, Polli Horticultural Research Centre Uus 2, PolliKarski-Nuia 69108 Viljandimaa Estonia |
Tel: (372) 5132091 hedi.kaldmae@emu.ee |
Crop specialist, Information/Documentation | |
France | Ms Aurélie Petit | CIREF/INVENIO Maison Jeanette 21140 Douville France |
Tel: (33) (0) 553803933 a.petit@invenio-fl.fr |
Crop specialist | |
France | Ms Sara Pinczon | INVENIO Maison Jeanette 21140 Douville France |
Tel: (33) (0) 553803933 s.pinczon@invenio-fl.fr |
Crop specialist | |
Germany | Mr Erik Schulte | Section 215 - Testing Station Wurzen. Federal Plant Variety Office - Testing Station Wurzen Torgauer Strasse 100 04808 Wurzen Germany |
Tel: (49) 3425 904024 Erik.Schulte@bundessortenamt.de |
Genebank Curator, Crop specialist, Information/Documentation | |
Greece | Ms Eleni Maloupa Contact person |
Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources PO Box 60458 570 01 Thermi - Thessaloniki Greece |
Tel: (30) 2310 471613 (0 220) emaloupa@elgo.gr |
Information/Documentation, Policy and law, other (Botanic Garden Curator) , Genebank Curator, Crop specialist | |
Greece | Mr Georgios Merkouropoulos | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) S. Venizelou 1 14123 Lykovrisi Attikis Greece |
Tel: (30) 210 2816978 merkouropoulos@elgo.gr |
Genebank Curator, Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Greece | Mr Georgios Pantelidis | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources - Department of Deciduous Fruit Trees 38 R.R. Station 59035 Naoussa Greece |
Tel: (30) 23320 41548 gpantelidis@elgo.gr |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder, Other (Stone and berry fruit cultivar evaluation, breeding and cultivation techniques) | |
Greece | Mr Demetris Taskos | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Crops and Viticulture - Department of Vitis 1 S. Venizelou Str 14123 Lycovrissi (Athens) Greece |
Tel: (30) 2102847499 taskos@elgo.gr |
Genebank Curator, Crop specialist, Information/Documentation | |
Greece | Mr Antonios Zambounis | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Forest Research Institute 38 R.R. Station 59035 Naoussa Greece |
Tel: (30) 23320 41548 antbio@yahoo.gr |
Other: plant breeding for disease resistance, genomics), Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Ireland | Ms Caroline Elliott Kingston | School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University College Dublin Belfied Dublin 4 Ireland |
Tel: (353) 1 7167761 caroline.elliottkingston@ucd.ie |
Crop specialist | |
Italy | Mr Gianluca Baruzzi | Council for Research in Agriculture and Economics, Research Centre for Olive, Fruit and Citrus (CREA-OFA) Vial La Canapona, 1 bis, Magliano 47121 Forlì Italy |
Tel: (39) 0543 89428 gianluca.baruzzi@crea.gov.it |
Genebank Curator, Crop specialist, Plant breeder, Other: variety certification | |
Italy | Mr Franco Capocasa | Università Politechnica delle Marche. Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari ed Ambientali Via Brecce Bianche 60100 Ancona Italy |
Tel: (39) 071 2204640 f.capocasa@univpm.it |
Genebank Curator, Crop specialist, Information/Documentation, Plant breeder | |
Italy | Mr Daniele Lolletti | Council for Research in Agriculture and Economics, Research Centre for Olivicoltura, Frutticoltura e Agrumicoltura - Rome Via di Fioranello, 52 00124 Rome Italy |
Tel: (39) 06 7934 811 daniele.lolletti@crea.gov.it |
Crop Specialist | |
Italy | Mr Bruno Mezzetti | Università Politecnica delle Marche. Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari ed Ambientali Via Brecce Bianche 60100 Ancona Italy |
Tel: (39) 071 2204933 b.mezzetti@univpm.it |
Genebank Curator, Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Latvia | Ms Valda Laugale Contact person |
Institute of Horticulture (LatHort) Graudu iela 1 3701 Dobele Latvia |
Tel: (371) 26184878 valda.laugale@llu.lv |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder (Fragaria, Ribes, Rubus) | |
Portugal | Mr Pedro Nogueira Brás de Oliveira | INIAV Avenida da Republica, Quinta do Marques 2784-505 Oeiras Portugal |
pedro.oliveira@iniav.pt | Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Serbia | Ms Jasminka Milivojević Contact person |
Faculty of Agriculture Belgrade Nemanjina 6 11080 Belgrade Serbia |
Tel: (381) 11 4413 382 jasmin972@agrif.bg.ac.rs |
Crop specialist | |
Slovenia | Ms Metka Šiško | University of Maribor Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences Pivola 10 2311 Hoče Slovenia |
Tel: (386) 2 3209006 metka.sisko@um.si |
Crop specialist | |
Switzerland | Mr Claudio Niggli Contact person |
ProSpecieRara Unter Brüglingen 6 4052 Basel Switzerland |
Tel: (41) 61 5459917 claudio.niggli@prospecierara.ch |
Crop specialist |