52 ECPGR Cucurbits Working Group Members
Category of expertise: Genebank Curator
Country | Name | Organization | Contact Details | Expertise | Remarks |
Austria | Mr Wolfgang Palme | Abteilung Gemüsebau, Höheren Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau Grünbergstrasse 24 1130 Wien Austria |
Tel: (43) (0) 1 8135950-331 wolfgang.palme@gartenbau.at |
Genebank Curator | |
Belarus | Mr Anatoly Chleborodau | The Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Potato Growing, Fruit and Vegetable Growing 223013 v. Samohvalovicshy, Minsk region, 2a Kovalev str. Belarus |
Tel: (375) 175167761, (375) 293316299 belbulba@belbulba.by |
Genebank curator, Plant breeder | |
Bulgaria | Ms Elisaveta Vasileva | Institute for Plant Genetic Resources "K. Malkov" Sadovo 2 Droujba str. 4122 Sadovo, Plovdiv region Bulgaria |
Tel: (359) 876358375 esvirgr@abv.bg |
Genebank Curator | |
Cyprus | Mr Angelos Kyratzis | Agricultural Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 22016 1516 Lefkosia Cyprus |
Tel: (357) 22 403131 akyratzis@ari.moa.gov.cy |
Genebank curator | |
Czech Republic | Ms Ivana Doležalová | VÚRV, v.v.i. Odd. zelenin a speciálních plodin Crop Research Institute, Vegetables and special crops Šlechtitelů 11Slechtitelu 29 783 71 Olomouc Czech Republic |
Tel: (420) 702087788 Dolezalova@genobanka.cz |
Genebank curator | |
France | Ms Manon Bouet Contact person |
Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE), Génétique et Amélioration des Fruits et Légumes UR 1052 Domaine St Maurice, Allée des Chênes 60094 F-84143 Montfavet cedex France |
Tel: (33) 4 3272 2728 Manon.bouet@inrae.fr |
Genebank Curator | |
Germany | Ms Ulrike Lohwasser | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Corrensstr. 3 06466 Seeland OT Gatersleben Germany |
Tel: (49) 39482 5282 lohwasse@ipk-gatersleben.de |
Genebank curator | |
Greece | Mr Apostolos Kalyvas | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki Greece |
Tel: (30) 2310 471110 (int 0 107) akalivas@elgo.gr |
Genebank Curator, Plant breeder, Crop specialist | |
Greece | Mr Konstantinos Tzerakis | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Crops & Viticulture Karamanlis 167 73100 Agrokipio, Chania, Crete Greece |
Tel: (30) 28210 83448 tzerakis@elgo.gr |
Genebank Curator, Crop specialist | |
Hungary | Mr Attila Simon | Center for Plant Diversity Külsömezö 15 2766 Tápiószele Hungary |
Tel: (36) 53 380070 simon@nbgk.hu |
Genebank Curator | |
Netherlands | Mr Willem van Dooijeweert | Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) Wageningen University and Research Centre P.O. Box 16 6700 AA Wageningen Netherlands |
Tel: (31-317) 480917 willem.vandooijeweert@wur.nl |
Genebank curator | Vice-Chair until 12/13/2014 |
Portugal | Ms Filomena Rocha | Banco Português de Germoplasma Vegetal INIAV Quinta de S. José. S, Pedro de MerelimQuinta de S. José - S. Pedro de Merlim 4700-589 Braga Portugal |
Tel: (351) 253198730 filomena.rocha@iniav.pt |
Genebank curator, Information/documentation | |
Romania | Mr Dan Giurcã | National Genebank Suceava 1 May Avenue, No. 17 720224 Suceava Romania |
Tel: (40) 230521016 office@svgenebank.ro |
Genebank Curator |