62 ECPGR Solanaceae Working Group Members
Country | Name | Organization | Contact Details | Expertise | Remarks |
Albania | Mr Belul Gixhari | Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Albanian Gene Bank Agricultural University of Tirana Rruga `Siri KODRA` Tirana Albania |
Tel: (355) 67 2883637 bgixhari.agb@gmail.com |
Crop specialist | |
Albania | Mr Sokrat Jani | Institute of Plant Genetic Resources - Agricultural University of Tirana Rruga `Siri KODRA` Tirana Albania |
Tel: (355) 694053803 sokratjani@yahoo.com |
Crop specialist | Member from 09-03-2018 to 21-02-2020 |
Armenia | Ms Karine Sarikyan Observer |
Scientific Center of Vegetable and Industrial Crops Ministry of Agriculture Ararat Marz, Darakert Community 808 Ararat region Armenia |
Tel: (374-94) 867030 karuine_sarikyan@mail.ru |
Austria | Mr Phillip Judex | Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management Stubenring 12 1010 Vienna Austria |
Tel: (43) 171100 60 2955 phillip.judex@bml.gv.at |
Policy and law | |
Austria | Mr Wolfgang Palme | Abteilung Gemüsebau, Höheren Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau Grünbergstrasse 24 1130 Wien Austria |
Tel: (43) (0) 1 8135950-331 wolfgang.palme@gartenbau.at |
Genebank Curator | |
Austria | Ms Sylvia Vogl | Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) Dept for Plant Genetic Resources Wieningerstrasse 8 4020 Linz Austria |
Tel: (43) 664 966 83 76 sylvia.vogl@ages.at |
Information/Documentation | |
Azerbaijan | Ms Saida Sadaqat Sharifova Observer |
Genetic Resources Institute National Academy of Sciences 155, Azadlig ave. AZ 1106 Baku Azerbaijan |
Tel: (994) 50 4108205 saidasharifzade@yahoo.com |
Crop specialits, Other: biotechnologist | |
Belarus | Mr Stanislau Grib | Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming Timiryazev str. 1 222160 Zhodino, Minsk region Belarus |
Tel: (375) 177545574 belgenbank@mail.ru |
Policy and law | |
Belarus | Mr Leanid Mishyn | Belarus Research Institute of Vegetable Growing 220013 v. Samohvalovicshy, Minsk Region Belarus |
Tel: (375) 175066108 office@belniio.by |
Genebank curator, Plant breeder | |
Bulgaria | Ms Veselina Masheva | Institute for Plant Genetic Resources Druzhba str. 2 4122 Sadovo Bulgaria |
Tel: (359) 886326883 vesi_masheva@yahoo.com |
Genebank curator, Crop specialist, Information/documentation | |
Croatia | Mr Tomislav Vinković | University J.J. Strossmayer - Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek Vladimira preloga 1 31000 Osijek Croatia |
Tel: (385) 31554889 tomislav.vinkovic@fazos.hr |
Crop specialist | |
Cyprus | Mr Angelos Kyratzis | Agricultural Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 22016 1516 Lefkosia Cyprus |
Tel: (357) 22 403131 akyratzis@ari.moa.gov.cy |
Genebank curator | |
Czech Republic | Ms Helena Stavělíková | Czech Agrifood Research Center - CARC Genetic Resources for Vegetables, Medicinal and Special Plants Šlechtitelů 29 783 71 Olomouc Czech Republic |
Tel: (420) 585 208 965 helena.stavelikova@carc.cz |
Genebank curator | |
Estonia | Ms Külli Annamaa Contact person |
Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK) J. Aamisepa 1 48309 Jõgeva Estonia |
Tel: (372) 53451468 kylli.annamaa@metk.agri.ee |
Genebank Curator | |
Estonia | Ms Ireene Roman | Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK) J. Aamisepa 1, Jõgeva alevik 48309 Jõgeva Estonia |
Tel: (372) 5550 7672 ireene.roman@metk.agri.ee |
Crop specialist | |
France | Ms Manon Bouet Contact person |
Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE), Génétique et Amélioration des Fruits et Légumes UR 1052 Domaine St Maurice, Allée des Chênes 60094 F-84143 Montfavet cedex France |
Tel: (33) 4 3272 2728 Manon.bouet@inrae.fr |
Genebank Curator | |
France | Ms Véronique Lefebvre | Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE), Génétique et Amélioration des Fruits et Légumes UR 1052 Domaine St Maurice, Allée des Chênes 60094 F-84143 Montfavet cedex France |
Tel: (33) (0) 432722806 veronique.lefebvre@inrae.fr |
Crop specialist | |
Germany | Ms Ulrike Lohwasser | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Corrensstr. 3 06466 Seeland OT Gatersleben Germany |
Tel: (49) 39482 5282 lohwasse@ipk-gatersleben.de |
Genebank curator | |
Greece | Mr Andreas Doulis | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute for Olive Tree, Subtropical Crops & Viticulture POBox 2228 Heraklion Greece |
Tel: (30) 2810 302316 doulis@elgo.gr |
Plant breeder | |
Greece | Mr Apostolos Kalyvas | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki Greece |
Tel: (30) 2310 471110 (int 0 107) akalivas@elgo.gr |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Greece | Mr Athanasios Mavromatis | Dept. of Agricultural Crop Production and Rural Environment University of Thessaly Fytokoy St, - N. Ionia 384 46 Volos Greece |
Tel: (30) 2310 998784 amavromat@agro.auth.gr |
Plant breeder | |
Greece | Ms Ifigeneia Mellidou Contact person |
Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources PO Box 238 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki Greece |
Tel: (30) 2310471110 ifimellidou@gmail.com |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Greece | Ms Georgia Ntatsi | Agricultural University of Athens Iera odos 75 Athens Greece |
Tel: (30) 2105294532 ntatsi@aua.gr |
Crop specialist | |
Israel | Mr Yonatan Elkind Observer |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment POB 12 76100 Rehovot Israel |
elkind@agri.huji.ac.il | Crop specialist | |
Italy | Ms Giulia Bianchi | Centro di ricerca Ingegneria e Trasformazioni agroalimentari - Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing Via G. Venezian, 26 20133 Milano Italy |
Tel: (39) 02 239557213 giulia.bianchi@crea.gov.it |
Other (Plant Biochemical Phenotyping) | |
Italy | Teodoro Cardi | CNR-IBBR, Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse Via Università,133 80055 Portici Italy |
Tel: 0039 081 2539102 teodoro.cardi@cnr.it |
Crop specialist, Plant Breeder, Policy and law | |
Italy | Mr Paolo Direnzo | CNR - Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse – National Research Council (CNR) Via Amendola 165/a 70126 Bari Italy |
paolo.direnzo@ibbr.cnr.it | Crop specialist; Information/Documentation; Genebank Manager | |
Italy | Ms Rosella Giunta | CNR - Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse – National Research Council (CNR) Via Amendola 165/a 70126 Bari Italy |
rosella.giunta@ibbr.cnr.it | Crop Specialist; Information/Documentation; Genebank Manager | |
Italy | Mr Gaetano Laghetti Contact person |
CNR-Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources National Research Council (CNR) Via Amendola 165/A 70126 Bari Italy |
Tel: (39) 080 5583400 ext 202 gaetano.laghetti@ibbr.cnr.it |
Crop specialist, Other: PGR, geneticist, statistics | |
Italy | Mr Roberto Lo Scalzo | Council for Research in Agriculture and Economics, Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing (CREA-IT) Research Unit of Food Technology (CRA-IAA) Via G. Venezian 26 20133 Milano Italy |
Tel: (39) 02 239557222 roberto.loscalzo@crea.gov.it |
Plant biochemistry | |
Italy | Ms Gabriella Sonnante | CNR - Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources - National Research Council (CNR) Via Amendola 165/A 70126 Bari Italy |
Tel: (39) 080 5583400 - 240 gabriella.sonnante@ibbr.cnr.it |
Crop Specialist; Other: Molecular genetics | |
Italy | Ms Laura Toppino | Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria Centro per la Genomica e la Bioinformatica (CREA-GB) - Sede di Montanaso Lombardo Via Paullese, 28 26836 Montanaso Lombardo, Lodi Italy |
laura.toppino@crea.gov.it | Genebank curator; crop specialist | |
Italy | Mr Pasquale Tripodi Chair |
Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Via Cavalleggeri, 25 84098 Pontecagnano (SA) Italy |
Tel: (39) 089 386217 pasquale.tripodi@crea.gov.it |
Genebank Curator - Crop specialist - Breeder - Other: genetics and genomics | |
Latvia | Ms Liga Lepse | Institute of Horticulture Grandu iela 1, Ceriņi, Krimūnu pagasts 3701 Dobeles novads Latvia |
Tel: (371) 26185596 liga.lepse@llu.lv |
Crop specialist | |
Netherlands | Mr Willem van Dooijeweert | Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) Wageningen University and Research Centre P.O. Box 16 6700 AA Wageningen Netherlands |
Tel: (31-317) 480917 willem.vandooijeweert@wur.nl |
Genebank curator | Confirmed as Chair for Phase X in January 2019 |
North Macedonia | Ms Sonja Ivanovska | Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food. Dept. of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Fac. S. Cyril and Methodius, University in Skopje Bul Aleksandar Makedonski, bb 91000 Skopje North Macedonia |
Tel: (389-2) 3115277 s_ivanovska@yahoo.com |
Poland | Mr Slawomir Bocian | PlantiCo Hodowla i Nasiennictwo Ogrodnicze Golebiew sp. z o.o. Golebiew Nowy 1 99-300 Kutno Poland |
Tel: (48) 24 2542498 sbocian@plantico.pl |
Plant breeder | |
Poland | Mr Mariusz Chojnowski | Research Institute of Horticulture Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3 96-100 Skierniewice Poland |
Tel: (48) 46 8346721 mariusz.chojnowski@inhort.pl |
Information/Documentation | |
Poland | Ms Katarzyna Niemirowicz-Szczytt | Department of Plant Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Ul. Nowoursynowska 159 02 776 Warzawa Poland |
Tel: (48) 22 5932169 katarzyna_niemirowicz@sggw.pl |
Plant breeder | |
Poland | Ms Marzena Nowakowska | Research Institute of Horticulture Department of Genetic, Breeding and Biotechnology of Vegetable Crops ul. Rybickiego 15/17 96-100 Skierniewice Poland |
Tel: (48) 46 8334193 marzena.nowakowska@inhort.pl |
Plant breeder | |
Portugal | Ms Filomena Rocha Contact person |
Banco Português de Germoplasma Vegetal INIAV Quinta de S. José. S, Pedro de MerelimQuinta de S. José - S. Pedro de Merlim 4700-589 Braga Portugal |
Tel: (351) 253198730 filomena.rocha@iniav.pt |
Genebank Curator, Information/Documentation | |
Romania | Ms Silvia Ambaruş | Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau Calea Birladului Street, No. 220 600388 Bacau Romania |
Tel: (40) 234 544963; sclbac@legumebac.ro |
Plant breeder | |
Romania | Mr Petre Marian Brezeanu | STAŢIUNEA DE CERCETARE - DEZVOLTARE PENTRU LEGUMICULTURĂ BACĂU Research and Development Station for Vegetables Bacau Calea Bârladului, No. 220 600388 Bacău Romania |
Tel: (40) 769067351 brezeanumarian@yahoo.com |
Genebank curator | |
Romania | Mr Dan Giurcã | National Genebank Suceava 1 May Avenue, No. 17 720224 Suceava Romania |
Tel: (40) 230521016 office@svgenebank.ro |
Genebank curator | |
Romania | Ms Silvia Strãjeru | Banca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale Suceava Bulevardul 1 Mai nr. 17 720224 Suceava Romania |
Tel: (40) 230 521016 office@svgenebank.ro |
Policy and law | |
Romania | Mr Costel Vinatoru | Research and Development Station for Vegetables Buzau Mesteacanului Street, No. 23 Buzau Town, Buzau County Romania |
Tel: (40) 238722560 costel_vinatoru@yahoo.com |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Russian Federation | Ms Irina Khrapalova Observer |
N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry Bolshaya Morskaya Str., 44 190000 St. Petersburg Russia |
Tel: (7-812) 5718539 i.khrapalova@vir.nw.ru |
Serbia | Mr Janko Červenski | Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Maksima Gorkog 30 21000 Novi Sad Serbia |
Tel: (381) 21 4898350 ext 332 janko.cervenski@nsseme.com |
Plant breeder | |
Serbia | Mr Dario Danojević | Institute of field and vegetable crops Maksima Gorkog 30 21000 Novi Sad Serbia |
Tel: (381) 21 4898 359 dario.danojevic@nsseme.com |
Plant breeder | |
Serbia | Ms Slađana Savić Contact person |
Institute for Vegetable Crops Karadjordjeva 71 11420 Smederevska Palanka Serbia |
Tel: (381) 26317170 ssavic@institut-palanka.rs |
Plant breeder | |
Slovakia | Mr Szilárd Kása | ZELSEED Ltd. Horná Potôň 1269 93036 Horná Potôň Slovakia |
Tel: (421) 915 772 702 kasa@zelseed.sk |
Genebank curator | |
Spain | Mr Jaime Cebolla Cornejo | Instituto de Conservación y Mejora de la Agrodiversidad Valenciana (COMAV) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ETS de Ingenieros Agrónomos. Dpto. de Biotecnología Cno. de Vera, s.n., Ciudad Politecnica de la Innovacion, Acceso J, primera Planta 46022 Valencia Spain |
Tel: (34) 963879423 jaicecor@btc.upv.es |
Crop specialist | |
Spain | Mr Jaime Prohens Tomás | Instituto de Conservación y Mejora de la Agrodiversidad Valenciana (COMAV) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovacion, Acceso J. Primera Planta. Cno. de Vera s.n. 46022 Valencia Spain |
Tel: (34) 963 879423 jprohens@btc.upv.es |
Plant breeder (aubergine) | |
Spain | Mr Adrián Rodriguez-Burruezo | Instituto de Conservación y Mejora de la Agrodiversidad Valenciana (COMAV) Universitat Politécnica de Valencia Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovacion, Acceso J, Primera Planta. Cno. de Vera s.n. 46022 Valencia Spain |
Tel: (34) 963879423 adrodbur@doctor.upv.es |
Plant breeder (pepper) | |
Spain | Mr José Vicente Valcárcel Germes | Instituto de Conservación y Mejora de la Agrodiversidad Valenciana (COMAV) Universidad Politécnica Valencia Camino de Vera s/n. Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación, Acceso J.- Planta 0 46022 Valencia Spain |
Tel: (34) 963877268 jvalcarc@btc.upv.es |
Genebank curator | |
Sweden | Mr Pawel Chrominski | Nordic Genetic Resource Center P.O. Box 41 SE-230 53 Sweden |
Tel: (46) 735258425 pawel.chrominski@nordgen.org |
Sweden | Mr Jonatan Leo | Nordic Genetic Resource Center Växthusvägen 12 234 56 Alnarp Sweden |
Tel: (46) 0735 237 347 jonatan.leo@nordgen.org |
Genebank curator, Crop specialist | |
Sweden | Mr Kjell-Åke Lundblad | Nordic Genetic Resource Center PO Box 41 Alnarp Sweden |
Tel: (46) 40 53 66 47 kjellake.lundblad@nordgen.org |
Information/Documentation | |
Switzerland | Mr Christian Eigenmann | Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG Schwarzenburgstrasse 165 3003 Bern Switzerland |
Tel: (41) 58 465 17 04 genres@blw.admin.ch |
Information/Documentation, Policy and law | |
Switzerland | Ms Christina Kägi Contact person |
Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG Schwarzenburgstrasse 165 3003 Bern Switzerland |
Tel: (41) 58 465 60 87 genres@blw.admin.ch |
Information/Documentation, Policy and law | |
Türkiye | Ms Lerzan Gül Aykas | PGR Department Aegean Agricultural Research Institute Canakkale Road No. 57P.O. Box 9, Menemen 35672 Izmir Türkiye |
Tel: (90-232) 8461331 lerzangul.aykas@tarimorman.gov.tr |
Information/documentation | |
Türkiye | Ms Sevgi Mutlu | Aegean Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) Canakkale Road No. 57P.O. Box 9 35672 Izmir Türkiye |
Tel: (90) 232 8461331 sevgi.mutlu@tarim.gov.tr |
Plant breeder |