34 ECPGR Umbellifer Crops Working Group Members
Category of expertise: Genebank Curator
Country | Name | Organization | Contact Details | Expertise | Remarks |
Austria | Mr Wolfgang Palme | Abteilung Gemüsebau, Höheren Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau Grünbergstrasse 24 1130 Wien Austria |
Tel: (43) (0) 1 8135950-331 wolfgang.palme@gartenbau.at |
Genebank Curator | |
Cyprus | Mr Angelos Kyratzis | Agricultural Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 22016 1516 Lefkosia Cyprus |
Tel: (357) 22 403131 akyratzis@ari.moa.gov.cy |
Genebank curator | |
Czech Republic | Mr Pavel Kopecký | VÚRV, v.v.i. Odd. zelenin a speciálních plodin Crop Research Institute, Vegetables and special crops Šlechtitelů 12 783 71 Olomouc Czech Republic |
Tel: (420) 702087794 kopecky@genobanka.cz |
Genebank curator | Vice-Chair from 06/19/2013 until 12/14/2014 |
France | Mr Emmanuel Geoffriau Contact person |
Agrocampus Ouest Angers INHP 2 rue le Nôtre 49045 Angers France |
Tel: (33) 241225431 Emmanuel.Geoffriau@agrocampus-ouest.fr |
Genebank Curator | |
Germany | Ms Ulrike Lohwasser Contact person |
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Corrensstr. 3 06466 Seeland OT Gatersleben Germany |
Tel: (49) 39482 5282 lohwasse@ipk-gatersleben.de |
Genebank curator | |
Greece | Ms Catherine Margaret Cook Contact person |
Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources PO Box 60458 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki Greece |
Tel: (30) 2310 471110 (int 0 302) ccook@elgo.gr |
Crop specialist, Genebank Curator, Information/Documentation, Plant breeder | |
Netherlands | Ms Lana de Bruijn | Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) - Wageningen University and Research Centre P.O. Box 16 6700 AA Wageningen Netherlands |
Tel: (31) 6 819 739 05 lana.debruijn@wur.nl |
Genebank Curator | |
Portugal | Ms Ana Maria Barata | Banco Português de Germoplasma Vegetal - Instituto nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (BPGV-INIAV) Quinta de S. José - S. Pedro de Merelim 4700-859 Braga Portugal |
Tel: (351) 969509792 anamaria.barata@iniav.pt |
Genebank Curator, Information/Documentation | |
Portugal | Ms Violeta Lopes Contact person |
Banco Português de Germoplasma Vegetal (BPGV) INIAV Quinta de S. José, S. Pedro de Merelim 4700-859 Braga Portugal |
Tel: (351) 253 198730 violeta.lopes@iniav.pt |
Genebank curator, Information/documentation | |
Romania | Ms Diana Batir Rusu | Banca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale Suceava 1 May Avenue, No. 17 720224 Suceava Romania |
Tel: (40) 230 521016 dia_sv@yahoo.com |
Genebank curator | |
Spain | Ms Cristina Mallor Gimenez | Unidad de Tecnologia en Producción Vegetal Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria (CITA), Gobierno de Aragón Avda. Montañana 930 50059 Zaragoza Spain |
Tel: (34) 976713078 cmallor@aragon.es |
Genebank curator | |
United Kingdom | Ms Charlotte Allender Chair |
University of Warwick, School of Life Sciences The University of Warwick Wellesbourne CampusWellesbourne Warwick CV35 9EF United Kingdom |
Tel: (44) 24 7657 5014 charlotte.Allender@warwick.ac.uk |
Genebank Curator |