65 Working Group Members - United Kingdom
Category of expertise: Other
Working Group | Name | Organization | Contact Details | Expertise | Remarks |
Allium | Mr Andrew Taylor | Warwick Crop Centre University of Warwick Wellesbourne Campus CV35 9EF United Kingdom |
A.Taylor@micropathology.com | Other: plant pathology | Plant pathology |
Brassica | Mr Peter Glen Walley | University of Liverpool Functional and Comparative Genomics, Institute of Integrative Biology L69 7ZB Liverpoool United Kingdom |
Tel: (44) 0151 794 9867 Peter.walley@liverpool.ac.uk |
Other: Trait genetics | |
Documentation and Information | Ms Lin Huang | Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) Aberystwyth University, Plas Gogerddan SY23 3EE Aberystwyth United Kingdom |
Tel: (44) (0)1970 823109 lsh@aber.ac.uk |
Genebank Curator; Information/Documentation; other expertise - UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) & Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS). | |
Leafy Vegetables | Mr Graham Teakle | Warwick Crop Centre University of Warwick Wellesbourne Campus CV35 9EF Warwick United Kingdom |
graham.teakle@warwick.ac.uk | Other: Trait genetics |