New Chair and Vice-Chair for the ECPGR Vitis Working Group

Georgios Merkouropoulos, from the Hellenic Agricultural Organization – DEMETER, Greece, has been nominated as Chair of the ECPGR Vitis Working Group. 

A new project funded by Germany will increase information and data sharing on in situ crop wild relatives

By 2023, EURISCO will expand its features to host passport data for in situ crop wild relatives populations

ECPGR establishes a new Working Group on cryopreservation

The group will focus on increasing collaboration and advancing cryopreservation science for the long-term conservation of European plant genetic…

Webinar on the Plant Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe

On 21 January 2022, the Strategy was presented to the ECPGR Steering Committee in a webinar.


EURISCO Training Workshop 2021 – Report now available

The online workshop brought together 24 participants from 22 countries from 10 to 12 November 2021

Strategies launched to improve genetic conservation in Europe

Strategies strengthening conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources in Europe were launched on 30 November 2021