62 ECPGR Allium Working Group Members
- Albania
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Iceland
- Israel
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Montenegro
- Netherlands
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
Country | Name | Organization | Contact Details | Expertise | Remarks |
Albania | Ms Valbona Hobdari | Institute of Plant Genetic Resources. Agricultural University of Tirana Tirana Albania |
bona_hobdari@hotmail.com | Genebank Curator | |
Albania | Mr Hajdar Kuci | Institute of Plant Genetic Resources. Agricultural University of Tirana Albania |
hkuci@ubt.edu.al | Crop specialist | |
Albania | Ms Nertila Lila | Institute of Plant Genetic Resources. Agricultural University of Tirana Albania |
ncurri@ubt.edu.al | Crop specialist | |
Austria | Mr Phillip Judex | Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management Stubenring 12 1010 Vienna Austria |
Tel: (43) 171100 60 2955 phillip.judex@bml.gv.at |
Policy and law | |
Austria | Mr Wolfgang Palme | Abteilung Gemüsebau, Höheren Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau Grünbergstrasse 24 1130 Wien Austria |
Tel: (43) (0) 1 8135950-331 wolfgang.palme@gartenbau.at |
Genebank Curator | |
Austria | Ms Sylvia Vogl | Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) Dept for Plant Genetic Resources Wieningerstrasse 8 4020 Linz Austria |
Tel: (43) 664 966 83 76 sylvia.vogl@ages.at |
Information/Documentation | |
Azerbaijan | Mr Sabir Hasanov Observer |
Genetic Resources Institute 155, Azadlig ave. AZ1106 Baku Azerbaijan |
Tel: (994) 50 5089469 sabir_hasanov@rambler.ru |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Belarus | Mr Stanislau Grib | Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming Timiryazev str. 1 222160 Zhodino, Minsk region Belarus |
Tel: (375) 177545574 belgenbank@mail.ru |
Policy and law | |
Belarus | Mr Mykolaj Kupreyenka | Belarus Research Institute of Vegetable Crops v. Samohvalovicshy, Minsk region Belarus |
Tel: (375) 175066108 belbulba@belbulba.by |
Genebank curator, Plant breeder | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Ms Vida Todorović Observer |
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture Univerzitetski grad, Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1A 78000 Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Tel: (387) 51 330955 vida.todorovic@agro.unibl.org |
Genebank Curator, Crop specialist | observer |
Bulgaria | Ms Elisaveta Vasileva | Institute for Plant Genetic Resources "K. Malkov" Sadovo 2 Droujba str. 4122 Sadovo, Plovdiv region Bulgaria |
Tel: (359) 876358375 esvirgr@abv.bg |
Croatia | Ms Smiljana Goreta Ban | Institute of Agriculture and Tourism K. Huguesa 8 52440 Poreč Croatia |
Tel: (385) 52408300 smilja@iptpo.hr |
Crop specialist | |
Czech Republic | Ms Helena Stavělíková Chair |
Czech Agrifood Research Center - CARC Genetic Resources for Vegetables, Medicinal and Special Plants Šlechtitelů 29 783 71 Olomouc Czech Republic |
Tel: (420) 585 208 965 helena.stavelikova@carc.cz |
Genebank curator | Confirmed as Chair for Phase X in February 2019 |
Denmark | Mr Dennis Konnerup | Aarhus University Agro Food Park 48 DK-8200 Aarhus Denmark |
Tel: (45) 22512261 dennis.konnerup@food.au.dk |
Crop specialist | |
Estonia | Ms Külli Annamaa Contact person |
Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK) J. Aamisepa 1 48309 Jõgeva Estonia |
Tel: (372) 53451468 kylli.annamaa@metk.agri.ee |
Genebank Curator, Information/Documentation | |
Estonia | Mr Priit Põldma | Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Horticulture Kreutzwaldi 5 51006 Tartu Estonia |
Tel: (372) 7313517 priit.poldma@emu.ee |
Crop specialist | |
Estonia | Ms Ireene Roman | Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK) J. Aamisepa 1, Jõgeva alevik 48309 Jõgeva Estonia |
Tel: (372) 5550 7672 ireene.roman@metk.agri.ee |
Crop specialist | |
Finland | Ms Terhi Suojala-Ahlfors | Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) Toivonlinnantie 518 FI-21500 Piikkiö Finland |
Tel: (358) 29 5326557 terhi.suojala-ahlfors@luke.fi |
Genebank curator | |
France | Mr Charles-Henry Duval | Groupe d’Étude et de contrôle des Variétés Et des Semences (GEVES) - Unité expérimentale de Brion La Boisselière, Brion 49250 Les Bois d’Anjou France |
Tel: (33) (0) 241571126 charles-henry.duval@geves.fr |
Genebank curator (Allium cepa) | |
France | Ms Florence Esnault Contact person |
Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE) UMR Amélioration des plantes et biotechnologies végétales (APBV) Domaine de Keraiber 29260 Ploudaniel France |
Tel: (33) (0) 229 62 63 17 Florence.Esnault@inrae.fr |
Genebank Curator | |
Germany | Mr Nikolai Friesen Contact person |
Botanischer Garten Universität Osnabrück Albrechtstraße 29 49076 Osnabrück Germany |
Tel: (49) 5419692738 nfriesen@uni-osnabrueck.de |
Crop specialist | |
Germany | Mr Michael Keusgen | Universität Marburg Wilhelm-Roser-Str. 2 35037 Marburg Germany |
Tel: (49) 64212825809 keusgen@staff.uni-marburg.de |
Crop specialist | |
Germany | Ms Manuela Nagel | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Corrensstr. 3 06466 Seeland OT Gatersleben Germany |
Tel: (49) (0)39482 5156 nagel@ipk-gatersleben.de |
Genebank Curator | |
Germany | Mr Markus Oppermann | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Corrensstr. 3 D-06466 Seeland Germany |
Tel: (49) 39482 5360 opperman@ipk-gatersleben.de |
Information/Documentation | |
Greece | Ms Catherine Margaret Cook Contact person |
Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources PO Box 60458 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki Greece |
Tel: (30) 2310 471110 (int 0 302) ccook@elgo.gr |
Genebank Curator, , Crop specialist,, Information/Documentation, | |
Greece | Ms Georgia Ntatsi | Agricultural University of Athens Iera odos 75 Athens Greece |
Tel: (30) 2105294532 ntatsi@aua.gr |
Crop specialist | |
Israel | Ms Rina Kamenetsky Observer |
Institute of Plant Sciences Agricultural Research Organization (ARO) The Volcani Center, POB 6 50250 Bet Dagan Israel |
Tel: (972-3) 968 3511 vhrkamen@volcani.agri.gov.il |
Crop specialist | |
Italy | Mr Vincenzo Candido | Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures - DiCEM Via Lanera 20 75100 Matera Italy |
Tel: (39) 0971 205371 vincenzo.candido@unibas.it |
Italy | Mr Alessandro Natalini | Council for Agricultural Research and Economics - Research Centre for Vegetables and Ornamental Crops (CREA-OF) Strada Statale 4 Via Salaria, 1 63030 Monsampolo del Tronto Italy |
Tel: (39) 0735 701706 alessandro.natalini@crea.gov.it |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder, Other: Postharvest plant physiology | |
Latvia | Ms Liga Lepse | Institute of Horticulture Grandu iela 1, Ceriņi, Krimūnu pagasts 3701 Dobeles novads Latvia |
Tel: (371) 26185596 liga.lepse@llu.lv |
Crop specialist | |
Latvia | Mr Dainis Ruņģis | Latvian State Forest Research Institute (LSFRI) Silava 111 Rigas St LV-2169 Salaspils Latvia |
Tel: (371) 28344201 dainis.rungis@silava.lv |
other: DNA markers | |
Lithuania | Ms Danguolė Juškevičienė | Vegetable Breeding and Technology Department, Institute of Horticulture Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Kaunas St. 30 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr. Lithuania |
Tel: (370) 37 555 370 d.juskeviciene@lsdi.lt |
Crop specialist | |
Montenegro | Ms Natasa Mirecki | University of Montenegro Biotechnical Faculty Mihaila Lalica 1 81000 Podgorica Montenegro |
mirecki@t-com.me | Crop specialist | |
Netherlands | Mr Rik Lievers | Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN), Wageningen University and Research Centre PO Box 16PO Box 16 6700 AA Wageningen Netherlands |
Tel: (31) 317487748 rik.lievers@wur.nl |
Curator of Allium crops at CGN | |
North Macedonia | Ms Rukije Agic | St. Cyrill and Methodius University Institute of Agriculture Bul Aleksandar Makedonski bb 1000 Skopje North Macedonia |
Tel: (389-2) 3230910 rukieagic@yahoo.com |
Norway | Ms Ingunn Molund Vågen | Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) PO Box 115 1431 Ås Norway |
Tel: (47) 40622904 ingunn.vaagen@nibio.no |
Crop specialist | |
Poland | Mr Mariusz Chojnowski | Research Institute of Horticulture Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3 96-100 Skierniewice Poland |
Tel: (48) 46 8346721 mariusz.chojnowski@inhort.pl |
Information/Documentation | |
Poland | Mr Wojciech Matuszak | SPOJNIA Hodowla i Nasiennictwo Ogrodnicze sp. z o.o. Nochowo ul. Lipowa 22 63-100 Srem Poland |
Tel: (48) 61 2833427 Sekretariat.nochowo@plantico.pl |
Plant breeder | |
Portugal | Ms Isabel Gomes da Silva Contact person |
Intituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV), Banco Português de Germoplasma Vegetal Quinta de S. José. S. Pedro de Merelim 4700-859 Braga Portugal |
Tel: (351) 253198730 isabel.silva@iniav.pt |
Genebank Curator | |
Romania | Dumitru Blaga | Suceava Genebank, Banca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale Suceava Bd. 1 Mai, nr. 17 CP 720224 Suceava Romania |
Tel: +40 727 873 760 dumitru.blaga@svgenebank.ro |
Genebank Curator | |
Romania | Ms Floarea Burnichi | Research and Development Station Buzau Statiunea de cercetare - dezvoltare pentru legumicultura Buzau Mesteacanului street no. 23 120024 Buzau Romania |
Tel: (40) 238 722560 burnichi@yahoo.com |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Romania | Ms Maria Calin | Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau Calea Birladului Street, No. 220 600388 Bacau Romania |
Tel: (40) 234 544963 sclbac@legumebac.ro |
Crop specialist | |
Romania | Ms Silvia Strãjeru | Banca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale Suceava Bulevardul 1 Mai nr. 17 720224 Suceava Romania |
Tel: (40) 230 521016 office@svgenebank.ro |
Policy and law | |
Romania | Carmen Tanasă | Suceava Genebank, Banca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale Suceava Bd. 1 Mai, nr. 17 CP 720224 Suceava Romania |
Tel: +40 741 178 355 alina.tanasa@svgenebank.ro |
Crop Specialist | |
Russian Federation | Ms Vera Shumilina Observer |
N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry (VIR) Bolshaya Morskaya Street 42-44 19000 St Petersburg Russia |
v.shumilina@vir.nw.ru | ||
Serbia | Mr Đorđe Moravčević | Faculty of Agriculture Belgrade Nemanjina 6 11 080 Belgrade-Zemun Serbia |
Tel: (381) 64 1676 368 djordjemor@agrif.bg.ac.rs |
Plant breeder | |
Serbia | Mr Slobodan Vlajić | Institute of field and vegetables crops Maksima Gorkog 30 21000 Novi Sad Serbia |
Tel: (381) 21 4898 363, 4898 365 slobodan.vlajic@ifvcns.ns.ac.rs |
Plant breeder, phytopathology | |
Slovenia | Lovro Sinkovič | Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Hacquetova ulica 17 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia |
Tel: (386) 1 2805 278 lovro.sinkovic@kis.si |
Genebank Curator | |
Slovenia | Mr Mojca Škof | Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Hacquetova ulica 17 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia |
Tel: (386) 1 2805262 mojca.skof@kis.si |
Crop specialist | |
Slovenia | Ms Jelka Šuštar Vozlič | Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Hacquetova ulica 17 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia |
Tel: (386) 1 2805188 jelka.sustar-vozlic@kis.si |
Genebank Curator | |
Spain | Mr Marcelino de los Mozos Pascual | Instituto Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario y Forestal de Castilla – La Mancha (IRIAF). Centro de Investigación Agroforestal de Albaladejito Ctra. Toledo-Cuenca, km. 174Ctra Toledo-Cuenca km. 174 16194 Cuenca Spain |
Tel: (34) 969177767 mde@jccm.es |
Genebank Curator | |
Spain | Ms Cristina Mallor Gimenez | Unidad de Tecnologia en Producción Vegetal Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria (CITA), Gobierno de Aragón Avda. Montañana 930 50059 Zaragoza Spain |
Tel: (34) 976713078 cmallor@aragon.es |
Genebank curator | |
Sweden | Mr Pawel Chrominski | Nordic Genetic Resource Center Box 162 SE-234 23 Lomma, Sverige Sweden |
Tel: 46 (0) 40 53 66 43 pawel.chrominski@nordgen.org |
Sweden | Erik de Vahl | Swedish National Gene Bank for Vegetatively Propagated Horticultural Crops National Gene BankP.O. Box 190 SE-234 22 Lomma Sweden |
Tel: (46) 724549879 erik.de.vahl@slu.se |
Genebank Curator | |
Sweden | Ms Jenny Hagenblad | Linköping University Dept. of Physics, Chemistry and Biology SE-581 83 Linköping Sweden |
Tel: (46) 13 28 66 86 jenny.hagenblad@liu.se |
Other: population genetics | |
Sweden | Mr Matti Leino | Archaeological Research Laboratory, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies Stockholm University 106 91 Stockholm Sweden |
Tel: (46) 8 51954575 matti.leino@arklab.su.se |
Sweden | Mr Kjell-Åke Lundblad | Nordic Genetic Resource Center PO Box 41 Alnarp Sweden |
Tel: (46) 40 53 66 47 kjellake.lundblad@nordgen.org |
Information/Documentation | |
Switzerland | Mr Christian Eigenmann | Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG Schwarzenburgstrasse 165 3003 Bern Switzerland |
Tel: (41) 58 465 17 04 genres@blw.admin.ch |
Information/Documentation, Policy and law | |
Switzerland | Ms Christina Kägi Contact person |
Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG Schwarzenburgstrasse 165 3003 Bern Switzerland |
Tel: (41) 58 465 60 87 genres@blw.admin.ch |
Information/Documentation, Policy and law | |
United Kingdom | Ms Charlotte Allender | University of Warwick, School of Life Sciences The University of Warwick Wellesbourne CampusWellesbourne Warwick CV35 9EF United Kingdom |
Tel: (44) 24 7657 5014 charlotte.Allender@warwick.ac.uk |
Genebank Curator | |
United Kingdom | Ms Frances Gawthrop | Tozer Seeds Ltd. Pyports Downside Bridge Road KT11 3EH Cobham, Surrey United Kingdom |
frances.gawthrop@tozerseeds.com | Plant breeder | |
United Kingdom | Mr Andrew Taylor | Warwick Crop Centre University of Warwick Wellesbourne Campus CV35 9EF United Kingdom |
A.Taylor@micropathology.com | Other: plant pathology | Plant pathology |