62 ECPGR Allium Working Group Members
Category of expertise: Plant breeder
Country | Name | Organization | Contact Details | Expertise | Remarks |
Azerbaijan | Mr Sabir Hasanov Observer |
Genetic Resources Institute 155, Azadlig ave. AZ1106 Baku Azerbaijan |
Tel: (994) 50 5089469 sabir_hasanov@rambler.ru |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Belarus | Mr Mykolaj Kupreyenka | Belarus Research Institute of Vegetable Crops v. Samohvalovicshy, Minsk region Belarus |
Tel: (375) 175066108 belbulba@belbulba.by |
Genebank curator, Plant breeder | |
Italy | Mr Alessandro Natalini | Council for Agricultural Research and Economics - Research Centre for Vegetables and Ornamental Crops (CREA-OF) Strada Statale 4 Via Salaria, 1 63030 Monsampolo del Tronto Italy |
Tel: (39) 0735 701706 alessandro.natalini@crea.gov.it |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder, Other: Postharvest plant physiology | |
Poland | Mr Wojciech Matuszak | SPOJNIA Hodowla i Nasiennictwo Ogrodnicze sp. z o.o. Nochowo ul. Lipowa 22 63-100 Srem Poland |
Tel: (48) 61 2833427 Sekretariat.nochowo@plantico.pl |
Plant breeder | |
Romania | Ms Floarea Burnichi | Research and Development Station Buzau Statiunea de cercetare - dezvoltare pentru legumicultura Buzau Mesteacanului street no. 23 120024 Buzau Romania |
Tel: (40) 238 722560 burnichi@yahoo.com |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Serbia | Mr Đorđe Moravčević | Faculty of Agriculture Belgrade Nemanjina 6 11 080 Belgrade-Zemun Serbia |
Tel: (381) 64 1676 368 djordjemor@agrif.bg.ac.rs |
Plant breeder | |
Serbia | Mr Slobodan Vlajić | Institute of field and vegetables crops Maksima Gorkog 30 21000 Novi Sad Serbia |
Tel: (381) 21 4898 363, 4898 365 slobodan.vlajic@ifvcns.ns.ac.rs |
Plant breeder, phytopathology | |
United Kingdom | Ms Frances Gawthrop | Tozer Seeds Ltd. Pyports Downside Bridge Road KT11 3EH Cobham, Surrey United Kingdom |
frances.gawthrop@tozerseeds.com | Plant breeder |