New AEGIS accessions from Bulgaria
Bulgaria has recently flagged 261 Triticum accessions for the AEGIS European Collection...
AEGIS Benefits - Information paper
Benefits of establishing and operating a European Collection......
Accessions from the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre (NASC) included into EURISCO
A large dataset of 669 645 accessions from the NASC was recently included into EURISCO, mostly from the genus Arabidopsis (669 539 accessions).
ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme - outcomes of the Second Call
A total of 12 proposals were submitted as a result to the Second Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme. The evaluation was carried out by the ECPGR…
Seventh meeting of the ECPGR Executive Committee meeting
Summary of the main points of discussion and decisions
New AEGIS Accessions from the UK and Nordic Countries
The European Collection has recently increased by 6232 accessions...
Report of the EURISCO Training Workshop 2015
National Focal Points Regional Training Workshop for Southeast Europe
UK has recently flagged 1659 accessions for the AEGIS European Collection.
The total number of European Accessions is now 21,583
Second Call under the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme
The Second Call under the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme was closed on 3 August 2015. Differently from what was reported in ECPGR e-Bulletin 4, a total…