New Chair

Potato Working Group: Anca Baciu, Romania

New Chair

Allium Working Group: Helena Stavělíková, Czech Republic

ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme - Outcomes of the First Call

A total of 13 proposals were submitted as a result to the First Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme. The evaluation was carried out by the ECPGR…

Sixth meeting of the ECPGR Executive Committee (ExCo)

Summary of the main points of discussion and decisions

New ECPGR and AEGIS website has been released

The ECPGR website has been updated in order to respond to increased security requirements. The AEGIS website has been merged with the ECPGR website...

On-farm concept

A few members of the Task Force that was appointed to develop a concept on “On-farm management and conservation of landraces” convened together with…

Umbellifer Crops Working Group - Project on Wild Relatives

The reports from three partners in the project are available online

AEGIS Competitive Grant Project

'Identification of old potato clones having unreliable variety names by means of fingerprinting using microsatellite (SSR) markers to assist in…

New ExCo Chair (from 1 January 2015)

Eva Thőrn has been elected as new ExCo Chair from January 1 2015 replacing Gert Kleijer...

New documents

Two new documents have been finalized recently and approved by the Steering Committee

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