Establishment of three ECPGR Task Forces

Following the recommendations made by the ECPGR Steering Committee during their last meeting in Vienna in December 2012, the following task forces…

Genebank Standards for Plant Genetic Resources - a major accomplishment

New international standards to help genebanks worldwide conserve plant diversity in a more efficient and cost-effective manner were endorsed on…

The European Collection is growing!

Following the recent offer of accessions to AEGIS by Germany and The Netherlands, the Working Groups have endorsed inclusion of 11,524 accessions…

ECPGR Annual Report 2012

The technical progress report for ECPGR is now available online

Latest report

Report of the fourth meeting of the ECPGR Malus/Pyrus Working Group

Latest publications

Report of a Working Group on Vitis and Report of a Working Group on Beta and the World Beta Network

Email distribution lists

A new functionality has been added to the Web site: it is now possible to send a message to all the members of a specific group...

Latest report

Report of the third meeting of the ECPGR Wheat Working Group

AEGIS Safety Duplication Policy

The AEGIS Safety Duplication Policy was approved by the ECPGR Steering Committee by the end of February 2013

Descriptors for tree tomato

Descriptors for tree tomato (Solanum betaceum Cav.) and wild relatives were published by Bioversity International.....

Latest News